ScIL Cohort 8
Aim: To improve the accurate completion of fluid balance charts in one ward; aiming to have 75% accuracy (as per agreed definition), from a baseline of 55%, by June 2017 and 95% accuracy by December 2017
Aim: 85% of all low risk woman booked with the community midwifery Baillieston Team will receive their antenatal and postnatal care from a named primary midwife and no more than the same two additional midwives by December 2017
Aim: Within War 1, Ninewells Hospital, 100% of falls with harm reported in Datix comply with the national descriptor by November 2017
Aim: to reduce the number errors within 2 Associate Cheif Nursing Officer's diaries by 30% by end of December 2017
95% of elective admissions to Surgical Ward RACH for tonsillectomy will have a person centred care plan completed within 2 hours of admissions by December 2017
Aim: testing and Person Centred Falls bundle to contribute to reducing 'Falls with harm Grade 3 or above' in the Medical Assessment Unit by 25% by December 2017
Aim: by March 2018 there will be a 50% improvement in the number of people providing positive feedback about their experience of making a complaint within the Emergency Care Directorate.
Aim: 50% of all fully upheld and partially upheld complaints within Neurosciences that require an action plan will have one in place by December 2017.
Aim: By November 2017, 100% of patients will have a documented risk assessment for VTE within 24 hours of admission
Aim: By December 2017 ward 5D will be able to demonstrate 75% positive responses from staff regarding the organisational values (safe, cared for and respected).
Aim: 80% of women to report that they felt prepared for IOL by December 2017
Aim - by October 2017 at least 80% of patients in ward 4 identified as needing escalation (based on a NEWS score of 3 or above) will be correctly escalated for senior charge nurse or medical team attention.
Aim: by November 2017, 85% of patients in ward 53, Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy (VHK), will be able to understand and accurately recall all the key pieces of healthcare information provided to them at ward rounds using their own language.
Aim: That 63% of all non medical prescribers (NMP) within Hospital at Night (HAN) in NHS Lothian can fully evidence all three elements of nurse prescribing as per Nursing and Midwifery Council (NWC) recommendations, within 9 months.
Aim: Increase the number of days between preventable cardiac arrests in the Acute Assessment UNit in Hairmyres Hospital by November 2017
Aim: to improve the tooth brushing documentation within Critical Care at Golden Jubilee National Hospital. By the end of October 2017, 90% of all patients will receive tooth brushing twice daily as per protocol.
Aim: reduce the incidence of unplanned urethral catheter changes, due to blockage and bypassing, for patients on District Nursing caseloads in Govan Health Centre. A 30% reduction will be achieved by December 2017.
Aim: All patients from one Community Nursing Team caseload being admitted with deterioration to the Balfour Hospital have completed a National Early Warning Score (NEWS) and Situation: Background: Assessment: Recommendations (SBAR) by November 2017
Aim: to reduce the unnecessary interruptions of staff when administering medicines by 30% by October 2017
Aim: 50% of patients will have accurate completion of fluid balance charts by November 2017 to improve fluid balance monitoring in Ward 10
Aim: to increase the fill rate of bank requests by 10% in ward 104 Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh by November 2017
Aim: by the end of October 2017, 85% of all nurses (registered and health care support workers) will receive a form of clinical supervision from either; - the SCN, Band 6 or equivalent, leading to an increase in the quality of patient care in Ward...
Aim: Patients on a district nursing caseload with have electronic patient records completed accurately to meet 95% compliance by November 2017
Aim: To increase the number of observation shifts between data errors from 0 shifts to 30 shifts during observation studies undertaken by the observer team in Queen Elizabeth Hospital by October 2017
Aim: to have 4 out of 5 (sample) completed person centred care plans in Ward 1 in the Royal Northern Infirmary, Inverness.
Aim: On Ward 32 at Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy we will aim to achieve a complement of 5 nursing staff on shift during the ward busy times (weekdays between 4-10pm).