ScIL Cohort 7
By January 2018, 95% of patients under the care of Consultant JM will have the daily dynamic discharge (DDD) model applied to their care in Ward 107, Emergency Care Centre, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.
By November 2017, the MWC receives an acceptable response to no less than 90% of all recommendations made as part of the local visit programme.
By August 2017, to increase the number of referrals to the P&K Falls Service to over 80% from Scottish Ambulance Services (SAS) Practitioners for people over the age of 65 who have fallen, are uninjured and do not require hospital admission.
To reduce hospital admissions related to CAUTI from the East Caithness area by 30% by end of October 2017.
100% of patients who request support from a Scheduled Care Ambulance easily receive the support/advice relevant to their needs by December 2017.
To ensure that 95% of patients admitted to Ward 62 Glasgow Royal Infirmary for a primary joint replacement are discharged 3 days post-op by December 2017.
80% of all Gynae and Vascular nursing staff in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust will receive learning from local incidents and patient feedback at least once per month by September 2017.
To reduce the number of helpdesk tickets related to AV problems by 20% by September 2017.
To raise attainment in READING in Primary 7 from 76% to 84% in Second Level Secure Curriculum for Excellence levels by June 2017.
By 30th September 2017 95% of patients who are admitted to Ward 102 are participating in the get up, get dressed, get moving programme.
To increase patient activity by 50% on Kello intermediate care ward, by the end of November 2017.
90% of stroke patients will have documented evidence of the stroke bundle completion (revised pink form) filed in their notes in the Emergency Department, Royal Infirmary Edinburgh, by July 2017.
By December 2017, we will improve the patients experience of transition from children's to adult services for children aged between 14 and 16 attending the NHSL paediatric rheumatology clinic.
By October 2017, the Autism and Learning Disability Branch will aim to respond to all ministerial correspondence within ten days of receipt in order to better serve the public and meet their requirements of receiving a timely and quality response.
Increase the uptake of Healthy Start vouchers of eligible pregnant women who might be experiencing poverty or be likely to experience poverty in the future in Perth City by 13% by 31st October 2017 to an overall figure of 70%.
By August 2017 100% of participants taking part in Go2Play at Townhead Village hall show an increase in positive attachment and bonding at the end of the intervention.
By December 2017, 92% of pupils within class PSA will have achieved CfE first level literacy outcomes and will be progressing within CfE second level outcomes.
Reduce referrals amongst this group by 20% by June 2017
85% of children in the assessment groups will improve their vocabulary, knowledge of words and functional use by July 2017.
To raise P7 reading attainment from 90% to 95% at Second Level Secure Curriculum for Excellence levels by June 2017.
By the end of September 2017, person centred goal setting will be utilised by 95% of new admissions on the stroke rehabilitation unit (West) under the care of TL at Woodend Hospital to manage their rehabilitation.
By September 2017, 90% of GP phone referrals for AEC in Belford Hospital will have a documented management plan and discharge information available to GPs within 24 hours.
To improve our percentage of patients discharged by 2pm.
To improve access to FNP in Bath and North East Somerset by extending the age range (from under 19s to 24s) and identifying more vulnerable women.
By September 2017, 80% of Requests for Assistance (RFA) made to occupational therapy will offer the family earlier access to more meaningful conversations to enable increased self management of their child's participation in everyday activities.
By August 2017 85% of pupils across each SIMD decile in Seaview Primary School have successfully achieved CfE Level 1 in writing by P4.
By the end of June 2017 there will be a 40% increase in parental engagement with Rigside Nursery.
Improving identification of people at risk of frailty in the community
By September 2017 75% of inductees within HMYOI Polmont engaged in a program with a Police Liaison officer will experience a positive improvement in trust and rapport.
Reduce the DNA rates across South Lanarkshire Treatment Rooms by 50% between March 2017 and July 2017
By October 2017 falls rate within Ward A11, FVRH will be reduced to no more than 10 per month.