ScIL Cohort 25
Aim – By June 2020 response rates regarding customer satisfaction will increase from 6% to 20%
Aim - By December 2019 Initial Assessments transferred to Family Intervention Teams, for Family Support will identify and evidence risk of harm and safety to inform decisions and recommendations regarding next steps for Family Support Pathway.
Aim: Increase service user involvement in Residential Therapeutic Care Planning from 0% to 50% in Marmion Children's Home by December 2020.
By Feb 2020, 80% of carers of patients on the Transitions Ward at Ulster Hospital will have knowledge of supports available to them at discharge.
By December 2019, the aim is to reduce the occurrence of low level incidents in the Home by 30%.
To improve the degree to which staff feel supported through supervision in William Street by 80% by 31st December 2019.
To reduce violent and aggressive incidents in a psychiatric inpatient unit (Ward 5, AMHIC) by 30% by 31 December 2019.
To reduce the incidences of aggression ad violence in two inpatient psychiatric wards by 20% by January 2020.
To reduce the time taken to respond to NISCC Alerts from 20.8 days to 3 days by February 2020.
To increase the % of Carers Assessments completed from 0% to 20% of the total offered in the Southern Health Social Care Trust Tier 3 Community Addiction Service by December 2019.
Gather reliable and detailed views from young people about their wishes, hopes and views to inform decision making meetings.
By December 2019 25% of the parents of children attending Step 2 CAMHS will participate in a workshop facilitated by Primary Mental Health Workers within 6 weeks of initial assessment.
To increase compliance with the Paediatric IV Fluid Audit Improvement Tool (PIVFAIT) from 71% to 100% by May 2020
At least 80% of young people in WHSCT's 6 children's homes will have their communication needs assessed by end December 2019.
By 31 December 2019 we will increase the percentage of steps of the TCI Post Crisis Response process that are completed following each TCI incident in a WHSCT children’s home from 0% to 75%
To increase the number of initial assessments completed using the ACE tool to 20% within Craigavon Gateway Team by Dec 2019.
100% of stroke rehab patients will have rehab goals recorded in their file in the new weekly recording tool by Dec 2019.
To reduce length of stays (14 days ++) in ICS beds in one statutory residential home by 30% by December 31st 2019
To increase the safety of victims of high risk domestic abuse current to Family Intervention Service, by accessing multi-agency safety plans through increased referrals to MARAC from an average of 0 per month to 2 per month by December 2019
By December 2019 80% of Assessed Year in Employment (AYE) Social Workers in Children's Services within South Eastern Trust will report an increase in their perceived self -efficacy and confidence in role.