The Hospital Antibiotic Review Programme (HARP) aims to support the national antimicrobial stewardship agenda and the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance by focusing and improving practice relating to two key areas of antibiotic prescribing practice in hospitals; the day 3 review of IV antibiotics and documentation of duration of oral antibiotic therapy. The programme contains practical tools and ideas for quality improvement underpinned by educational resources.
HARP is a collaborative development between the Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group (SAPG) and NES and development has been undertaken by a multidisciplinary reference group with clinical education representation.
HARP Support Pack
The support pack provides information on the sessions available, the resources required to deliver each of the sessions, tips on how to support facilitation of the practical sessions in practice and information on CPD certification and evaluation.
➤ Download the support pack
HARP includes a short awareness video to engage staff in the programme.
Duration: 05:54
HARP includes educational materials to support delivery of two short facilitated learning sessions for clinical teams, each lasting 20-30 minutes. These sessions can also be utilised for on-line personal learning, but a team-based approach is preferable.
Please complete every time you deliver or participate in a session to help us to assess uptake and impact.
ⓘ Note for local facilitators:
The slide-packs are published by NES following nationally agreed guidance. Health boards / organisations are permitted to add local information to the slides, any information added should be clearly marked. Changes to national guidance presented in the slide-pack are not permitted and NES is not liable for any unauthorised use of the materials.
In order to improve antibiotic use we must develop reliable ward processes for review of IV antibiotics and documentation of the plan in the notes, documentation of recommended duration of oral antibiotics on medicine chart. We can do this using a quality improvement approach
The aim of this session is to provide clinical teams with information and guidance to support improvement in antibiotic review processes
To support local clinical teams testing ideas for improvement there is a Quality improvement toolkit which includes good practice aids, change ideas and audit tools.
There are various tools to support teams to undertake the Hospital Antibiotic Reduction programme available on the SAPG website