AHP webinars

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NMAHP Webinar Promoting Resources on Supporting an Underperforming Student & Reasonable Adjustment
AHP Preceptorship webinar

This webinar was delivered on 6th March 2024 by NHS Education for Scotland with guest speakers Florence Milliken from HCPC and AHPs with experience with preceptorship in Scotland.   AHP preceptorship webinar 2024 | Turas | Learn (nhs.scot)

See below links to resources to support your practice highlighted in the webinar.

AHP Practice-based Learning Principles 2024

This webinar was delivered on 6th February 2024 and explores the AHP Practice-based learning principles and their use in practice.

AHP Principles of Practice-based Learning Webinar (recording)

Rehabilitation and recovery: a once for Scotland person-centred approach to rehabilitation 2022

This webinar explores a person-centred approach to rehabilitation in a post-Covid era.

Rehabilitation and Recovery Webinar - 08 September 2022 (recording) and transcript to follow

Rehabilitation and Recovery Webinar - 08 September 2022 (summary of Q&A)

Rehabilitation and Recovery: A Once for Scotland Person-Centred Approach to Rehabilitation in a Post-COVID Era (www.gov.scot) (Report PDF)

The role of AHPs in public health 2022

This webinar aligns with the publication of the AHP Public Health Implementation Plan for Scotland and features engaging presentations and case study examples of how AHPs are contributing to the public health agenda in their area of practice.

The role of AHPs in Public Health webinar - 02 August 2022 (recording)

The role of AHPs in Public Health webinar - 02 August 2022 (summary of Q&A)

Digital solutions to support practice 2022
Rehabilitation and recovery following COVID 2020

In this webinar we hear from strategic leaders about the ambitions of the Framework for supporting people through Rehabilitation and Recovery during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes videos from practitioners sharing how they have responded to the pandemic, re-shaping and re-aligning service delivery.


AHP Support and supervision 2020

This webinar explores how AHPs have continued to receive supervision during the COVID pandemic. For further information and resources to support your practice please visit the AHP Supervision page. 

Postural care 2020

If you work with someone who requires postural management you may find these webinars helpful.

You may also find additional resources to support your practice on the Postural care page

Supporting AHP Practice-based learning (PrBL) recovery 2020

recoveryThese webinars support the recovery and ongoing provision of placements in Scotland during the pandemic. We hear from practitioners, lecturers and students about their experiences to modernise placements and ensure progression of our future workforce. For further information and guidance you may wish to visit out AHP Community of Practice site on the Knowledge Network.