Feedback and complaints

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On 3 October 2016 the NHSScotland Complaints Handling Procedure was published by means of DL (2016) 19.  This revised procedure required amendments to regulations and directions made under the Patient Rights (Scotland) Act 2011 and subsequently the Patient Rights (Feedback, Comments, Concerns and Complaints) (Scotland) Directions 2017 came into force on 1 April 2017. 


To support staff in responding to feedback and complaints we have developed a range of e-learning modules which can be accessed below. Modules 1 -5 are for staff involved in dealing with complaints and module 6 is explicitly for complaints investigators.

Valuing feedback video resources

Valuing Feedback

The Emotional Touchpoint Process

Sharing Feedback

Staff Experiences



In this section you will find a range of feedback and complaint resources.

Feedback and complaints training : GP practice managers

Here are links to a series of audio recordings which capture a hypothetical situation in which a practice manages a complaint from a patient. You should listen to these recordings and read the supporting documentation provided below. Consider throughout how well you think the situation has been handled, and if you would have done anything differently.

Listen learn act

This learning resource consists of a written publication which provides information and guidance for staff on story-gathering to help them to harness the power of personal stories. In addition there is a series of short films to support those who provide NHS services to consider how personal stories can be used to inform service improvement. Real carers share their experiences and members of staff who provide NHS services also share their experiences of using personal stories within their role.

Corporate governance and responsibility

Here are some videos filmed at a masterclass held for Executive and Non-Executive Directors of NHS Boards

Complaints handling procedure

A series of podcasts have been produced to supplement the guide and provide further information about the new procedure. These have been recorded by Craig White and Joanna Swanson from the Scottish Government and John Stevenson from the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman.