Trainer guidance and documentation

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An area for all VT trainers to view guidance and documentation

Useful VT Contacts


The link below provides a list of useful VT contacts which includes descriptions of who to email for specific issues -

Useful VT Contacts

DVT Assessment Dates


Below is a link to the DVT Assessment dates PDF for the training year.  Please familiarise yourself with these deadline dates.

DVT Assessment Dates

Core Curriculum


Please see links to view the DVT Core Curriculum and the Scottish DVT Competency Framework 2024

Minimum VDP Engagement with Turas Training Portfolio

There is a minimum expected engagement by VDPs with the Turas Training Portfolio, specifically in relation to reflections, logs and reviews, and when and how often these should be completed.


This can be found in the ‘Minimum Engagement with Turas Training Portfolio' document and also detailed in the ’Getting Started with Turas Portfolio' document.

Travel and Subsistence Guidance
Travel and Subsistence icon

Travel and subsistence can be claimed for delivery of services to NES.  This can be reimbursed via the Non-Staff Travel and Subsistence Claim Form.  You will require to download and rename this form to complete it.​​

Please refer to Trainer Travel and Subsistence Claim Guidance prior to completing the form.

All claims should be submitted directly to and only one claim per calendar month.  Claims submitted to any other mailbox will be returned unpaid. 

Determination X

Practices new to vocational training and existing vocational training practices can apply for funding under Determination X of the SDR for improvements to the training surgery within the training practice to satisfy vocational training standards.

Certain restrictions will apply to applications for funding as outlined in the documents below as well as in the SDR itself.

LEP Guidance

Below is a guide of conduct during external LEPs visits covering what is required in the following areas:

  • Before the LEP
  • At the practice
  • The LEP
  • After the LEP
  • General Points

Below is also a guide on how to address Need Improvements on Turas Portfolio, covering the process and what is expected.

You can also find below a guidance document on the types of incidents which will attract a mandatory 'Needs Improvement' score, and a guidance document to assist you in interpreting the 11 clinical focus areas when documenting a LEP.

Click below to download the documents.

LEP Etiquette
Trainer Scoring Matrix for 2025-2026 Training Year

In recent years, NHS Education for Scotland (NES) have received more Trainer applications than posts available and a scoring system has been devised to differentiate between appointable candidates. The criteria for use in the coming recruitment cycle is available here -

VDP Absence Reporting

As an employee of NES, VDPs will follow the NHS Scotland Workforce Attendance Policy.  


To apply this policy to VT, please use this Sickness and Absence Reporting Procedure.

VDP Special Leave Request Procedure

As an employee of NES, VDPs will follow the NHS Scotland Workforce Special Leave Policy.


To apply this policy to VT, please use this Special Leave Request Procedure.


Please click the link to access the Special Leave Request Form.

VDP Annual Leave

VDPs are entitled to 20 days annual leave (140 hours) and 8 public holidays (56 hours) pro rata. 

VDPs should ensure that prior to taking any annual leave, they obtain approval from the training practice. Annual leave requests should be applied for in hours. It is recommended that VDPs avoid taking an hour here and two hours there and instead, take a full day or half day leave in hours.

Educational Memorandum of Understanding

The Educational Memorandum of Understanding is a document which outlines in broad terms the expectations of Vocational Training.

It provides details of what NHS Education for Scotland expects of Vocational Dental Practitioners, and what Vocational Dental Practitioners can expect of NHS Education for Scotland.

The Educational Memorandum of Understanding must be signed by VDPs as part of their contract on Turas People.  

Multi Source Feedback

Below are guidance documents for both Trainer and VDP to assist you in completing the multi source feedback (MSF) process.  Please click the links below to view the guidance, or click the icon on the left to view the VDP MSF page for more information.

Multi Source Feedback Guidance for Trainers

Multi Source Feedback Guidance for VDPs