AIMS By May 2019: • 90% of afternoon patients will have breakfast • 90% of day surgery patients will have a fluid fasting time of <2h
Aim The NICU University Hospital Wishaw will, by 31st May 2019, achieve 15% reduction in avoidable term admissions from respiratory conditions following delivery by elective caesarean section.
Aim: To improve trauma theatre utilisation to 72%
Aims • Are bed pressures due to increased admissions, fewer discharges or delays in the patient journey? • Can we identify stranded patients using Red2Green methodology and then design out the delay? • Can the number of stranded patients be...
Aim: To prevent complications, 90% of all inpatients (on Level 2 BCH) on TPN who develop a pyrexia will have appropriate clinical management by April 2019. Appropriate clinical management was defined as : •Stopping TPN on pyrexia •Paired BC within...
Aim : Improve the design of nursing documentation on ward 3A, Raigmore Hospital by May 2019 in order to: improve completion by making it an integral part of patient care give nurses the time to connect to what matters to...
aim was to increase the % of patients being triaged within 20 minutes to 75% by May 2019.
Aim: Achieve 95% Compliance with Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing Group (SAPG) Quality Indicators in a General Surgical Ward by July 2019
Aim: Introduce the bedside nursing handover to improve compliance with risk assessments and person centred care planning, in an acute hospital ward.
Aim: To provide safe and timely emergency surgery for all patients. • Improve patient outcomes by minimising variation and reducing waste due to organisational factors. • Co-design of a new emergency surgery patient flow process to fit the...
Aim: Increase percentage of cases discussed at referral time from 83% to 95%
Aim: All patients with minor injuries at the hospital of Stord, are going to be triaged within 20 minutes after entering the hospital with a stable median of 20 minutes within 31.12.19.
Aim: To improve the first attempt intubation success rates of juniorintubators by 20% in 12 months by implementing a videolaryngoscope as a teaching tool and standardising supervision
AIM… All deteriorating patients visited by the District Nursing team at Cove Health Centre, Aberdeen are identified, assessed and escalated appropriately by April 2019.
To improve user confidence and structure of handover, through the use of an ATMIST aide memoir card.
The aim of this project was to develop and implement a standardized form to be used by all consultants when considering a patient for HPN and before admission to the ward.
AIM- What were we trying to achieve? To increase joy in work to improve the experience of staff in an Ophthalmology out-patient clinic and improve experiences for patients. To reduce the time for patients attending clinics by 30% and have 100% of...
The aim is to achieve a share of 40 % having their dialysis treatment at home or as selfcare in the center by May 2019.
The aim of this quality improvement (QI) work was to try out a simple triage system for clinical ward round and reduce time spent on pre-round ward round meeting increase patient safety and involvement, release time to care and earlier discharge.
AIM Reduce the current rate of medicine omissions (blanks on TPAR chart) by 50 % by March 2019
Aim: Changing the patient-flow, will by 1st of April 2019 - despite a 20% increase in patient-referrals - ensure that: • All patients have access to relevant genetic counselling within 4 weeks from referral. • Time from first contact to diagnosis...
Aim: Increase patient engagement to at least 75% by May 2019.
Aim - Increase shared decision making with 30% in an outpatient clinic for youngsters with severe mental illness at Gausel Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic by April 2019
Aim Statement – to increase the number of patients from DG8 & DG9 post codes seen for Ophthalmology appointments in their local hospital (GCH, Stranraer) from 35% (667 patients) to 65% (1117 patients) by the end of November 2020
Aim: To reduce the number of prescribing errors made by FY1s by 5% by July 2019
Aim By May 2019, we will co-design a new ward round process and develop staff and patient user-defined outcome measures for the round
Project Aim: 85% compliance in use of Fluid Balance Monitoring Charts by May 2019 in an acute medical ward.
Aim: Reduce incidents of violence and aggression in Esk ward by 50% by May 2019