NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
Resource for all health and social care staff outlining key messages on keeping antibiotics working, with a focus on what, why, who, how and where.
Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
Type: Document
Audience: Medicine (audience); Nursing, midwifery and allied health professions (audience); Ambulance services (audience); Ambulance care assistant; Ambulance technician; Emergency call handler; Patient transport services staff; Business and administration (audience); Business and projects; Communications or public relations; Finance; Human resources; Information systems or information technology; Data manager; Information analyst; Library, knowledge and information management; Office services; Patient services or practice manager; Procurement; Clinical healthcare support workers (audience); Dietetic support worker; Healthcare scientist support worker; Maternity support worker; Nursing support worker; Occupational therapy support worker; Orthotic support worker; Phlebotomist; Physiotherapy support worker; Podiatry assistant practitioner; Prosthetic support worker; Radiography support worker; Speech and language support worker; Theatre support worker; Community and social care (audience); Adult care worker or manager; Advocacy worker; Care at home worker or manager; Care home worker or manager; Care worker; Community support worker or manager; Counsellor; Early years or childcare worker or manager; Housing support officer or manager; Personal assistant; Social work assistant; Social worker; Volunteer; Volunteer co-ordinator; Youth worker or manager; Dentistry (audience); Dental hygienist and/or Dental therapist; Dental nurse; Dental student; Dental technician and/or Clinical dental technician; Dentist; Not GDC registered; Orthodontic therapist; Estates and facilities (audience); Catering; Domestic services and housekeeping; Estates services; Grounds services; Laundry and linen services; Portering; Security services; Sterile services; Stores, supplies and procurement; Transport and fleet management; General audience; Healthcare science (audience); Clinical bioinformatics; Life sciences; Physical sciences and biomedical engineering; Physiological sciences; Associate specialist; Consultant; Core trainee; Foundation Year 1 (FY1) doctor; Foundation Year 2 (FY2) doctor; General practitioner; General practitioner trainee; Medical student; Other Doctor; Physician associate; Psychiatrist; Specialty doctor; Specialty trainee; Allied health professions (audience); Art psychotherapist; Art therapist; Biomedical scientist; Clinical scientist; Dance movement psychotherapist; Diagnostic radiographer; Dietitian; Dramatherapist; Healthcare chaplain; Hearing aid dispenser; Music therapist; Occupational therapist; Operating department practitioner; Orthoptist; Orthotist; Paramedic; Physiotherapist; Podiatrist; Prosthetist; Speech and language therapist; Therapeutic radiographer; Midwifery (audience); Midwife; Nursing (audience); Adult nurse; Child health nurse; District nurse; Family nurse; Family nurse supervisor; General practice nurse; Health visitor; Learning disability nurse; Mental health nurse; Occupational health nurse; School nurse; Specialist community public health nurse; Optometry (audience); Contact lens optician; Dispensing optician; IP Optometrist; Optical assistant; Optometrist; Optometry student; Pre-registration optometrist; Pharmacy (audience); Pharmacist; Pharmacy support staff; Pharmacy technician; Psychology (audience); Clinical psychologist; Counselling psychologist; Educational psychologist; Forensic psychologist; Health psychologist; Occupational psychologist; Practitioner psychologist; Registered psychologist; Sport and exercise psychologist
RightsCopyright: NHS Education for Scotland