The need to consider the environmental impact of waste and how this waste is managed is at the heart of governmental policy development to meet the current climate emergency. We are witnessing the implementation of a progressive waste management regulation which is intended to help Scotland meet its sustainability targets.
Recent requirements for the completion of Pre-Acceptance Audits (PAAs) from all dental practices have heightened awareness of the need for a better understanding of the practicalities of appropriate waste segregation for all members of the dental team. Appropriate waste management is the single biggest contribution that a dental practice can make to help improve our sustainability credentials and more importantly comply with all the waste management legislation.
1 Hour
These videos provides both a comprehensive source of information and signposts resources that a dental practice team require to comply with the current waste regulations.
By the end of this course participants should be aware of the handling, segregation, storage and disposal of waste arising from the delivery of dental care in a dental practice.