Dates for your Diary

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Please see the sections below for information and links to various training opportunities.

Sessions throughout the year

AHP Practice Educator Training – dates for the year ahead can be found using the link to this sway - Upcoming Practice Educator preparation and development opportunities in Scotland

The National Centre for Remote & Rural Health & Care is delivering a series of online remote and rural learning events with a focus on primary and community care.  Sessions are relevant to a wide range of audiences supporting hybrid/remote working and continuous professional development.  Some sessions are also relevant to community members.  

Support Workforce Learning on the GO! Series 

You can access recordings from previous Learning on the GO! sessions on Support Worker Central.

Future events in the Learning on the GO! series are currently in the planning stages. If you have any suggestions for topics you would like to see included in the series, please let us know by completing the short online form.

March 2025

5th March 2025, 10am – 12 noon:  Radiography Managers’ CPD workshop Save the Date

Draft programme:

·     NMAHP Development Framework - Iain Christie, Senior Radiographer, NHS Lothian

·     Group discussion

·     NEW Dental Imaging Learning Modules

Further details will follow.


12th March 12pm (North Region):  NMAHP Development Framework– Hold the date for planned regional managers workshop session .

Email for further information


13th March, 9:30-11:45am, AHP Projects Progressing Practice-based Learning Celebration and Sharing Event

For further information and to register please click: Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams


Who is the event for?

Colleagues who have an interest in supporting, influencing, and transforming how practice-based learning is delivered.

The aim of this event: 

  1. To showcase and consolidate learning from the AHP Projects Progressing Practice-based Learning 
  2. To facilitate sharing and discussion across professions and organisations including AHPs and beyond


The event agenda is available here:


19th March, 9.00-9.30am, Supporting practice-based learning in public health bitesize CPD session

  • Please join the AHP Practice-based Learning Virtual Community in advance to access this session.  Join the community: MS Forms Link 
  • Once you have joined the community or if you are already a member, access the event via the community's CPD Events channel
April 2025

29th April, 9.00-9.30am, Quality Standards for Practice Learning Sections 1 & 2 bitesize CPD session

  • Please join the AHP Practice-based Learning Virtual Community in advance to access this session.  Join the community: MS Forms Link 
  • Once you have joined the community or if you are already a member, access the event via the community's CPD Events channel