NHS Education for Scotland (NES); Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC)
This guide (.PDF) is to assist you in downloading and accessing the Preventing Infections in Social Care settings toolkit via mobile app or the website.
Published: 24/07/2023
Publisher: NHS Education for Scotland (NES);Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC)
MetaLifecycleVersion: August 2023
Type: Document
Audience: Community and social care (audience); Adult care worker or manager; Advocacy worker; Care at home worker or manager; Care home worker or manager; Care worker; Community support worker or manager; Counsellor; Early years or childcare worker or manager; Housing support officer or manager; Personal assistant; Social work assistant; Social worker; Volunteer; Volunteer co-ordinator; Youth worker or manager; Nursing, midwifery and allied health professions (audience); Allied health professions (audience); Art psychotherapist; Art therapist; Biomedical scientist; Clinical scientist; Dance movement psychotherapist; Diagnostic radiographer; Dietitian; Dramatherapist; Healthcare chaplain; Hearing aid dispenser; Music therapist; Occupational therapist; Operating department practitioner; Orthoptist; Orthotist; Paramedic; Physiotherapist; Podiatrist; Prosthetist; Speech and language therapist; Therapeutic radiographer; Midwifery (audience); Midwife; Nursing (audience); Adult nurse; Child health nurse; District nurse; Family nurse; Family nurse supervisor; General practice nurse; Health visitor; Learning disability nurse; Mental health nurse; Occupational health nurse; School nurse; Specialist community public health nurse; Student nurse
RightsCopyright: NHS Education for Scotland