Foundations of Neurodiversity Affirming Practice

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This is a recording of the Psychology and NMAHP webinar held on 26th October 2023, and we hope this provides an overview of key information about neurodiversity affirming practice.

Webinar Recording

The webinar is suitable for all health and social care staff as a foundation upon which further learning can be built.  This webinar has the following five sections:

  1. Language and contexts - understanding this changing landscape and the key importance of seeking personal preference
  2. What conditions might we think of as being neurodivergent, and what do we know about prevalence?
  3. Thinking about mental health and understanding key issues for neurodivergent people
  4. How to adapt practice for neurodivergent people - principles from people with lived experience
  5. A personal perspective from a neurodivergent A&E colleague.  

 The learning objectives are:

Language and Terminology:

  • Demystify language and promote understanding and confidence in understanding and using ‘new’ language
  • Increasing practitioner’s confidence to seek individual preferences around language


  • Understanding comorbid conditions and presentations
    • Prevalence and overlap of neurodevelopmental conditions
    • Prevalence of mental health conditions
    • Masking and impact
  • Key messages in adapting practice for neurodivergent people