KIND Learning Network: an introduction to EBM and critical appraisal

Provider: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

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This is a social, practical, introduction to evidence-based medicine designed primarily for those working in knowledge, information, and data roles across health and social care in Scotland. Delivered in groups on Teams, each of the five sessions aims to examine the theory, and introduce the practice, of evaluating the health and social care literature in order to make better decisions about care.


Learning aims:
This course consists of ten hours of live interactive training designed to provide a practical introduction to evidence-based medicine and critical appraisal for staff working in health, social care, and housing. The course covers - an introduction to evidence-based medicine - an in-depth look at the methodology of randomised controlled trials - a practical introduction to appraising novel evidence - an overview of core statistics for EBM - an introduction to systematic review and meta-analysis

Type: Bookable course

Audience: Information systems or information technology; Data manager; Information analyst; Library, knowledge and information management; Clinical bioinformatics

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