Education and Training

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On this page you will find information and resources on remote and rural education and training.  This page is continuously being updated and further information will be added in due course.

New Near Me Learning Modules

Two new eLearning resources are available to learn more about Near Me video calls.  

Near Me is a web-based system that helps public sector providers offer video call access to their services. It is provided to public service organisations free of charge. You can access the modules below:

 Module 1: New to Near Me Video Calls? (link)

This module is designed for people who are new to using Near Me or who require a refresher.

The module covers: why, where, and when to use Near Me. It also introduces the concept of ‘Digital Rapport’. 

The aim of this module is to equip service providers and students with the capability to carry out a Near Me consultation with confidence as appropriate within your service or placement.

 Module 2: Near Me: Video Consultation Skills (link)

This module is designed for providers who are familiar with using Near Me and now want to learn more.

The module covers communication and preparation skills and gives hints and tips on digital warmth and rapport.

The aim of this module is to leave you aware of, and confident in applying, the different skills required for video consulting, compared to in-person or telephone.

For more information on the provision of further training and support for staff to enable them to increase their Digital literacy and confidence for using Near Me, guidance and practice education resources can be found on the Near Me video consulting learning site found at Near Me video consulting | Turas | Learn (

 If you have any questions, please contact the Digitally Enabled Workforce team in NES by email at

Euripa Conference Lincoln June 2024

The NC team are attending the Euripa Conference in Lincoln from 20-22 June 2024 and will contribute to an interactive workshop covering the following: -                                   

  • To establish the issues coastal and island communities are currently facing
  • To gain knowledge of how the wide range of issues in different geographical contexts and how social, cultural, linguistic and other barriers are being successfully addressed or not. 
  • To explore how community awareness and active engagement to their perceived health enhance self-care, social support and collaboration . 
  • The planned outcome is to gain knowledge of the barriers to be addressed for equity in healthcare delivery in coastal and island communities and innovative solutions and community-based responses. 

This workshop links in well with the National Centre's vision of fusing on and being driven by the health, care needs and circumstances of remote, rural & island communities.

You can view the Euripa Conference page at Home - 13th EURIPA Rural Health Forum