An overview of Equal Partners in Care, who unpaid carers are and why this learning resource is for you.
A set of postcards featuring statements to support understanding of EPiC, its core principles and the learning resources available.
Within services, the person receiving care is usually the focus in the process but service discharge and transition can be difficult times for people providing unpaid care. Find out what you can do to help your practice and further links that...
An overview of the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 and what this means for your practice
Animation: Equal Partners in Care - Caring for Carers
This short animation will help health and social care staff recognise and reflect on opportunities they have to recognise and support unpaid carers – the essential first step to working alongside carers as equal partners in care.
Webinar: Carers: Recognition and Rights. Your contribution matters
This recorded webinar provides an introduction to conversations with carers and to their rights under the Carers (Scotland) 2016.
The following films feature real life carers and their own experiences. Some people may find the shared content difficult to listen to. If you share these films with your colleagues or Teams, please advise of the sensitive content.
This film gives an overview of carers experiences in being identified as a carer, the impact of caring, being included and supported.
Unpaid carers share their experiences of how they came to the realisation they were a carer.
Impact of caring on unpaid carers
Unpaid carers share the impact of the care they deliver, from exhaustion to love and joy.
Unpaid carers share their experiences of being excluded and the beneficial impact of being included in conversations around the person they care for.
Unpaid carers share their experiences of the beneficial impact receiving support can have on their lives, often enabling them to continue caring.
Unpaid carers share their experiences of when the person they care for needs to move into a care home setting.
Experiencing bereavement and loss
Unpaid carers share their experiences of when the person they care for has died.