Credential Panel Process

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Details on how the Rural and Remote Health Credential Panel will operate

The Panel process

To ensure consistency of standards and impartiality, a review of learners following the UK Rural and Remote Health (Urgent and Unscheduled Care) Credential programme will be carried out by the UK Rural and Remote Credential Panel.

The Credential Panel will make decisions on progress through the Credential programme, similar to the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) process outlined in the Gold Guide.

Our Panel Guidance document describes the process by which Panels will review supporting evidence enabling them to arrive at a judgement of progress (known as an ‘Outcome’).

Each learner will receive a Panel review at least once every 12 calendar months.  The Credential Panel will meet at least twice a year to enable timely review of learners who will have started the learning programme at different times and will be progressing at different rates, as well as reviewing those pursuing the Recognition Route to ensure opportunities for acknowledgement of learning and career progression. It is a process which enables the Credential Development Body to record that learners are gaining all competencies required in the learning programme at an appropriate rate and through appropriate experience.  

The Deanery will notify the learner of the dates of their panel review by an email approximately six months ahead in advance of the date and then eight weeks prior to the date of the review.

The Panel meeting is a desktop review of the evidence which the learner has submitted. The learner will not be required to attend.  Based on the evidence, the panel will issue a Panel outcome.  After the desktop review, the learner will be notified of your outcome via an automated email from Turas.  The outcome will also be recorded on the learner's e-portfolio.

Following the desktop review, some learners (developmental outcome) will be invited to a meeting. This is likely to take place via MS Teams but might be in person. The meeting will be with the Panel or representatives. This will provide an opportunity to discuss the learner's outcome. The meeting will usually take place within two weeks of the desktop review, although it could take place on the same day as the review.

All learners should receive standard written guidance relevant to their outcome, which as appropriate should detail the duration of any extension to their learning programme, requirements for remedial action or focused learning, and reference to the review and appeals processes, if relevant.


Our Appeals Policy has been written in accordance with the Gold Guide, version 9.

The Credential Delivery Team (CDT) will manage all aspects of the Review/Appeal process with relevant input from Credential Development Body (CDB) colleagues.

Definition of a Review: The Review is a process where the original Credential Panel that issued the Panel outcome/decision, return to reconsider whether it was appropriate.  This does not require the original Panel to be formally reconvened and can be undertaken virtually.  The Review must take into account the representations of the learner/doctor asking for the Review and any other information, including additional relevant evidence, whether it formed part of the original considerations or has been freshly submitted (adapted from GG 4.164).

Definition of an Appeal: The Appeal is a procedure whereby the decision of the original Panel is considered by another (different) Panel. An Appeal takes into account the information/evidence available at the time the original outcome was issued alongside newly submitted evidence relevant to the Appeal and the representations of the learner/doctor making the Appeal request.  Those involved in an Appeal Panel must not have played a part in the original decision or review. (adapted from GG 4.165)

For further information please access the Panel Appeals Policy document below.

Training for Panel Members

All members of the Credential panel, including the lay representative and external advisor, must be trained for their role (Gold Guide 4.78).  Training should be kept up to date. Equality & Diversity training must be completed at least every three years and review of Credential Panel training materials is required annually (see slides available below). Failure to confirm you hold up to date training in advance of the desktop review will result in you being unable to participate as a panel member.

All panel members must complete the training.  
