Course description: COSMOS is a modular series of annual training days provided by RCSEd for surgical trainees in years 2-6 (priority given to 3 and 4). COSMOS A was delivered to Scottish CT2s and covered Shared Decision Making skills for the clinic. A short video recap will be provided of that before COSMOS B. Module B is a one day course which will cover "When it all goes wrong" and "Cultural Competence". It will include a blend of didactic, discussion-based and simulation-based training.
By the end of the module, trainees will be able to:
Describe common pitfalls and opportunities in consultations with diverse patient groups
Demonstrate adjusting consultations to cultural variations, to achieve trust and Shared Decision Making
Explain a complication or adverse event to a patient or relatives, showing appropriate candour and care, taking account of their needs and those of the team and organisation, and avoiding further harm
Conduct a conversation with a patient and/or relatives about a complaint, with concern for:
a) Listening and acknowledging
b) Attention to detail and truth
Take part in an SAER or other response to an adverse event, with humble enquiry, and fairness
Provide “first aid” peer support to a “2nd casualty” colleague
Prerequisites: You must be a General Surgery ST3 - 6 trainee.