Learn how to set up an email account, send and receive emails and make the most of the email features available to you.
Format: eLearning
Duration:15 minutes
Audience: Beginners
Account creation/sign in required: No
Description: A tutorial on the basics of email.
User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.
Format: eLearning
Duration: 15 minutes
Audience: Beginners
Account creation/sign in required: No
Description: Learn what email is, how to set up an account, how to reply to and send emails, and more.
User rating: 4/5 (based on 1 review)
Format: eLearning
Duration: 28 minutes
Audience: Intermediate
Account creation/sign in required: No
Description: After you have mastered the basics, learn how to do more with your email account.
User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.
Format: Webpages and Videos
Duration: Various
Audience: Beginner to Intermediate in NHS Scotland and participating local authorities/health and social care partnerships
Account creation/sign in required: Yes (NHS Scotland M365 account)
Description: A collection of guidance and videos to introduce you to Microsoft Outlook. Discover how to send emails, organise your inbox, use shared mailboxes, access outlook calendar and manage your contacts and tasks.
User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.
Format: eLearning
Duration: Up to 1 hour
Audience: Beginners
Account creation/sign in required: Yes
Description: Guidance on how to create an email account, safely send and receive emails and avoid email scams.
User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.
Format: Webpage
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Audience: Beginners
Account creation/sign in required: No
Description: Learn how to use common email features and practice proper etiquette.
User rating: 5/5 (based on 1 review)