Video Calling

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Explore the different types of video calling software and how to use them, as well as some top tips on how to maximise the features of video calling when engaging with service users.

Less than 10 minutes

Use FaceTime with your iPhone or iPad

Format: Webpage

Duration: Up to 10 minutes

Audience: Beginners

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: Find out how to use FaceTime to make video and audio calls on your iPhone or iPad.

User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.

Between 10 and 30 minutes

Using video tools

Format: eLearning

Duration: 15 minutes

Audience: Beginners

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: A tutorial on the basics of video tools, including what video calling is, social media video tools, choosing a provider and how to make video calls more effective.

User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.




Format: eLearning

Duration: 15 minutes

Audience: Beginners

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: Learn how to get the most out of Zoom, the popular video chat service. We'll show you how to set up an account, join/host a meeting, and much more.

User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.



Keeping in touch using a video call

Format: Webpage

Duration: Up to 30 minutes

Audience: Beginners

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: Guidance on what a video call is and how you can video call through WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Zoom, Skype and FaceTime.

User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.


Shared Digital Guides

Communicating with young people safely using Zoom

Format: Webpage

Duration: Up to 30 minutes

Audience: Beginners

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: This guide looks at how to put safeguarding at the centre of your planning when designing online services for young people.

User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.


Shared Digital Guides

Getting consent while using video calling software

Format: Webpage

Duration: Up to 30 minutes

Audience: Beginners

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: This Guide reminds you that you do not need a signature to show you have consent. It also helps you think about who you need to get consent from. This includes consent from parents and carers for children and adults who may not be able to give informed consent themselves.

User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.


Shared Digital Guides

Building human connection with groups of people using video call software and email

Format: Webpage

Duration: Up to 30 minutes

Audience: Beginners

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: Use this Guide to help you build stronger connections with people when running online events and meetings. It includes advice on communicating with people before, during and after the event.

User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.


Shared Digital Guides

Running an online group while helping people new to video calling learn to use video software

Format: Webpage

Duration: Up to 30 minutes

Audience: Beginners

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: Use this Guide when you need to help people learn to use video calling tools like Zoom, Teams and Skype. It can help you work with older and digitally excluded people, especially if you are doing group work involving physical activities.

User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.


Shared Digital Guides

Building online community using a mix of digital tools

Format: Webpage

Duration: Up to 30 minutes

Audience: Intermediate

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: Use this Guide if you want to make your online programmes more engaging and collaborative. You might be delivering live sessions via Zoom, or MS Teams, or some other platform. This Guide talks about other tools you can use to let participants engage meaningfully with the content, work together and build a sense of community.

User rating: This resource hasn’t been reviewed yet. Evaluate it here once you have worked through the content.



Technology checklist for video calling an adult or carer

Format: Webpage

Duration: Up to 30 minutes

Audience: Beginners in Social Care

Account creation/sign in required: No

Description: A checklist covering the necessary steps a social worker or practitioner should take to ensure that technology for video calling is ready and appropriate.

User rating: 4/5 (based on 1 review)

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