Webinar series

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Centre for Workforce Supply Social (CWSS) team hosts a monthly webinar series on International Recruitment into Adult Social Care.

Webinar dates

Upcoming dates of our Masterclasses and Forum's:

Lunch and Learn Masterclasses:
23rd April 2025

Community of Practice Forums:
2nd April 2025

You can access recordings and presentations from our past webinars below.

Lunch and Learn Masterclasses
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Providing Evidence for UKVI Applications (13th March 2025)

Join Alan Povey (Senior Specialist Lead – International Recruitment) from the CWSS as he discusses some tips and guidance for providing supportive evidence to applications for a Visa Sponsor Licence and for Certificates of Sponsorship

Pastoral Support for International Recruitment (13th February)

Find out more about Pastoral Support, what it is, why it is important, what we need to offer and help creating your own support package for International recruits.

Internation Recruitment Costs and Benefits (16th January)

Learn more about the financial costs and benefits of recruiting international workers, then this Lunch & Learn Masterclass is for you.​ Alan Povey discusses the potential costs of international recruitment compared to the potential benefits.

Ethical Recruitment & Modern Slavery (5th December)

Alan Povey takes a look into what makes recruitment ethical, what is meant by modern-day slavery, what to look for and how to report cases.

UK’s Points-based Immigration System and Applying for a Sponsor License (7th November 2024)

Alan Povey takes a look into the requirements of the UK’s immigration system and applying for a sponsor license, including the challenges and opportunities we face.

An Introduction to International Recruitment (8th October 2024)

Alan Povey (Senior Specialist Lead – International Recruitment) from the CWSS provides an overview of the key steps and considerations around international recruitment.

Community of Practice Forum's
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Cultural Integration for Migrant Social Care Workers (26th February 2025)

Hear from our guest speakers as they share their experience and knowledge as leading advocates for migrant workers in Scotland. Learn about the key challenges and issues migrant workers face as they embark on a new life and a new career in Scotland’s social care sector. Guest speakers: Helene Rodger – Founder and Project Director, Passion4Fusion Sandra Dargie – Training and Employability Lead, The Welcoming Sarah Kyambi – Director, Migration Policy Scotland

Supporting Displaced Migrant Workers (22nd January 2025)

Join us to hear the experiences of a Scottish Local Authority and recruitment agencies who gave support 1for employees to switch sponsors and the support and services that they can provide.​ Bryan Davies & Jane Robertson – Scottish Borders LA​ Rachel Crook – Sponsor Switch (Lifted) recruitment agents​ Emma Fyfe – Osborne & Allan Recruitment Ag

Meeting the Accommodation Challenge for Migrant Workers (18th December 2024)

Discussing the challenges of finding suitable accommodation for new recruits. Alan Povey is joined by: Helene Rodger – Passion4Fusion​ Graham Ross/Karen Stevenson – City of Edinburgh Council​ Eddie Simpson – Renfrewshire LA​ Marion Elder - HRM Homecare Services Ltd Mandy Gray - Perth & Kinross Council Mary McKechnie - Abbotsford Care

Modern-day Human Trafficking (19th November 2024)

Alan Povey will be joined by guest speakers, Steven Bertram (Detective Superintendent, Police Scotland’s Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Unit), Matthew John (Policy Manager, Human Trafficking Team, Criminal Justice Division-Scottish Government) and Mike Andrews (Service Manager (adults) at the Care Inspectorate).

Introduction to CWSS and international recruitment​ (16th October 2024)

A conversation on international recruitment within the Scottish social care sector. Alan Povey is joined by Ian Turner (Scottish Government) and Caroline Deane (Scottish Care)to discuss policies and views

Previous webinars
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International Recruitment into Adult Social Care Project: The journey so far

May 2024 Feasibility study of international recruitment into adult social care in Scotland.

Pastoral Support: Factors to consider when preparing for arrival, and settling in

28th March Providing insights into the pastoral support preparation required with case study.

Pastoral Support for All

8th February 2024 Highlighting elements of induction, orientation, and support as part of the onboarding process.

Understanding international recruitment in practice

On 11 January 2024 Understanding international recruitment in practice, recent changes to UK immigration policy and the implications for international recruitment of care workers in Scotland.

Asset Mapping and new learning resource platform

7th December 2023 Attracting candidates in understanding what an organisation can offer them and showcasing the new learning resource for adult social care providers

Direct Recruitment Webinar

2nd November 2023 Exploring ways of undertaking ethical and sustainable direct recruitment as part of international recruitment strategies.

Nurture to Retain Webinar

5th October 2023 Discussing the importance of a positive recruitment experience. Social care workers share their experiences of the recruitment process.

Agencies Special Webinar

26th September 2023 Focusing on different types of agency that can be used to enable international recruitment. 5 agencies with a unique international recruitment offers

Attraction Webinar

On 7th September 2023 Focusing on the theme of ATTRACT, the challenges and opportunities associated with attracting overseas workers, top tips on marketing vacancies in international recruitment markets.

Launch webinar

On 14th August 2023  Introducing the International Recruitment into Adult Social Care project with speakers from the Scottish Government, COSLA, and NHS Education for Scotland (NES)