Frequently Asked Questions

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FAQs from START training days. 

Clinical Practice Based Questions


What should I expect from my VDP on day 1?

Will they be capable of seeing patients? 

Remember your VDP is now a qualified dentist, there is no harm in arranging a light selection of patients on day 1 but ensure that there are adequate appointment timings allocated. Make sure that you as the trainer also have a light diary to support their induction to your practice and to give time for talking about their treatment experiences to date and goals for their VT year.  

The transition documentation from the University will be available to view with your VDP’s consent, and the clinical checklist list from induction will be a good insight for you to evaluate their skillset, and plan out early tutorials to support their early days as a Vocational Dental Practitioner. 

Don’t ever assume that your VDP is capable of providing a treatment, always ask and make a plan. 


When are newly registered VDPs notified of their GDC certification? 

This will be dependent on when the VDP applies and how quickly the GDC can process applications. It is important to stress to your prospective VDP that the ‘onboarding process’ cannot begin until they have a GDC number. 


How and when are the phantom heads delivered to the practices? 

VDPs will be issued their phantom head during induction and will be required to transport it to the practice site. A log sheet should be signed by the VDP who accepts their responsibility for the care of this equipment. VDPs are asked to agree to the following statement: 

“I will make reasonable efforts to ensure this asset is used solely for the practice of clinical dentistry techniques and education on behalf of NHS Education for Scotland” 

VDPs based at a site that does not already have a phantom head will be emailed and informed that they will need to pick up their phantom head at Induction. 


What if the VDP and the trainer have a clash of personalities? 

 Any issues arising should be communicated as soon as possible with your adviser.   Their role is to support both trainer and VDP and will always try to resolve any issues locally if possible. 

Assessment and ePortfolio Questions


What happens if VDPs either don’t collect enough Patient Assessment Questionnaires (PAQ’s) or receive low scores after the PAQ’s ? 

A review of the PAQ report should be conducted and a meeting arranged between the Trainer and Adviser to provide feedback to the VDP. After an agreed period of time the VDP will be expected to complete a second round of PAQs. Advisers and VT leads will be available to provide support at any time during this process.  


If a patient is unable to use the tablets for completion of their PAQ, how can the practice facilitate this? 

We recommend a quick discussion with the patient to identify any specific needs, but it may be an idea to ask a member of staff to support them. The staff member could read the questions out and submit the patients answers for them. How you facilitate this locally, is up to the practice. An adviser can give more advice if require. 


Do the tablets need access to the internet? 

Yes.  You must ensure that there is a Wi-Fi connection in your practice, the tablets require wi-fi.  Any issues please inform your adviser at the earliest opportunity. 


How soon can new trainers get access to ePortfolio? 

The trainers will receive their eportfolio log in details directly from hub.  This will be on or around 8th August. 


What is a reasonable allocation of time for feedback after a LEP? 

It really is case specific, but in the first instance a suggestion of 10-15 mins will enable the identification of the key points and provide some time for reflection. A follow up could be done at an agreed meeting time for further discussion. 


What should I do if the VDP becomes upset after receiving feedback? 

Although it can be challenging the key feedback points from the LEP should be communicated as soon after the LEP as possible.  If required, a further opportunity for discussion should be identified 


Do 'needs improvement' leps count? 

Yes, all LEP’s count towards the Block total, including those recorded as “Needs Improvement”