Fellowship Cohort 10 Posters
Achieve documented consent in 100% of NICU infants receiving blood product transfusions by May 2018
30% reduction: Length of stay of fast track patients with suspected DVT, arriving in the ED during non-daytime shifts by April 2018. 25% increase : Patient satisfaction concerning the information on waiting time and the physical surroundings by...
To reduce by 50% from baseline the number of prescribing errors on the Medicine Prescription and Administration Record (Kardex) in patients admitted to the Acute Medical Unit (AMU) and via the Emergency Department (ED) at Altnagelvin Hospital,...
To introduce a Multidisciplinary led Frailty Education Programme into 50% of Acute Hospitals in Ireland by May 2018
Increase the number of AM discharges
By May 2018, we will reduce admissions to the Acute Medical Unit of patients presenting to the Emergency Department with ‘Headache’ but requiring no further investigation by 25%
To get our geriatric inpatients dressed (75%), in their preferred clothing and up out of bed for lunch (75%), when clinically feasible.
To increase CAU daily attendance by 10% in 6 months by improving flow
Reducing Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) on ward 6A by 30% by June 2018
For 100% of patients for whom end of life is imminent, to have just in case medications prescribed and a treatment escalation plan (TEP) in place within 24 hours of end of life being recognised
To reduce the time patients and staff spend on Level 3 (special) observations in Mull Hub at the State Hospital by 50% by April 2018
To achieve a 25% reduction in the admission rate from the day surgery unit by May 2018
By April 2018, 50% of patients in Ward 30, Glasgow Royal Infirmiry, will be out of bed and dressed in familiar daywear by noon each day
All five of the improvement projects have the common aim of enabling people to spend more days in their own home rather than in an acute hospital. PACT, PLAAN and SCARF are all focused on reducing avoidable hospital admissions. The AWI/...
All children, young people and their families will experience goal-setting as part of their support from CAMHS, D&G by May’18
To reduce delays recorded on the Theatre Management System (TMS) by 25% by the start of May 2018
By May 2018 develop an ambulatory infusion service for planned interventions within the Day Hospital situated at the Borders General Hospital. This will aim to free up approximately 56 hours of chair time and 22 hours of nurse time each week in...
By the 1st May 2018 we will have 100% pain and stress assessment in newborns admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Stavanger University Hospital
80% of the discharge letters for patients who receive community care are sent electronically within 24 hours of discharge
By September 1, 2018, an additional seven Canadian jurisdictions are ready to spread and scale the innovative Paramedics Providing Palliative Care at Home program, based on the success of the models implemented by Nova Scotia, PEI and Alberta. By...
Reduce the median time from admission to getting a CT head scan from 14 hours 40 minutes to 8 hours for all patients presenting to Ninewells Hospital with a probable stroke.
Integrating MSK education into General Practice
We monitor Joy at Work through the clinicians daily submitted satisfaction, and we wish to see a decrease in dissatisfaction by 50% by the end of May 2018
The aim was to treat four patients per day by end of May 2018.
In 6 months 95% of the acute children arriving in our assessment unit will be triaged within 15 minutes
100% percent of our patients will have an effective medicines reconciliation completed by our practice staff and our local community pharmacy within 3 working days of discharge from hospital.
Reduce number of patients on community treatment orders with 30 %
Within May 2018 > 80% of all adult patients identified with sepsis, will receive antibiotics within one hour after arriving the emergency department
To reduce term admissions to our neonatal unit by 20% in 9 - 12 months
1. All environmental visits for amputees will be agreed within 3 days of amputation and performed within 5 days by May 2018 2. There will be an established Amputee Rehab Outreach Team to improve rehabilitation transition from secondary to primary...
Develop a framework for systems analysis of case reviews in Safety Reviews/M&M meetings based on joint Safety-1 and Safety-2 thinking by May 2018
To reduce numbers of AKI by 15% in Trauma Orthopaedics Ward Aberdeen Royal Infirmary by May 2018