Cohort 33
Increase by 15% victims aged 16-25 of domestic abuse receiving support from specialist services in Aberdeen by November 2022
By September 2022 , 95% patients in 2 key wards of Aberdeen Royal Infirmary who require a hard collar for spinal fractures will get daily, routine pad changes by ward staff
By April 2022, SAS crew members in Moray will refer to OT a minimum of 15% of falls patients attended, not conveyed to hospital
Community Nursing Teams within North Lanarkshire HSCP will adopt a person centred based care to enable ALL care to be delivered to appropriate patients from within the Community Nursing care Enhanced Care Approach.
This project aims to increase breastfeeding* at discharge by 10% from the baseline of 57% to 63% for babies 31-35+6/40wks gestation at RHC NNU Glasgow by March 2022
By March 2022, for 80% of external facing projects, teams in ihub’s Transformational Redesign Unit (TRU) will have in place agreed draft measurement plans (MPs) based on a project logic model prior to final phase of project set-up.
By March 2022: improve the listening, behavioural and music learning outcomes of 3-5 pupils, from disadvantaged backgrounds in a primary school in West Lothian through music learning
Expand the number of stakeholder volunteer representatives attending Strategic Groups within Aberdeenshire HSCP and Aberdeen City HSCP
Finding ways to ensure the team feel supported, connected and valued as we adjust to a completely different way of working.
By July 2022, 80% of families with preschool children in an Aberdeenshire town* are aware of the Speech and Language Therapy service and know where to access support if they require it. *Operational definition: Children aged 0y to school entry...
Early learning is essential for building foundations for children's future and should be accessible for all. By working closer together health and education aim to support and understand the barriers to children attending nursery with the aim to...
Facilitating discussions for timely discharge in Fern ward, Rosewell House
% reduction in unscheduled visits for catheter related issues by Central Tillydrone Community Nursing Team by March 2022
Supporting the shaping and development of a local Prehabilitation Programme
A project to shorten the period between registration at the ARI Emergency Department (ED) and completion of triage.
Developing a better model of care with a view to optimise patient flow across ARI
Increasing participants self-reported knowledge and understanding of the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019.
Reduce the number of telephone calls to the maternity Triage phone line in Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, from a baseline of 542 per week to <487 (10%) per week by June 2022.
How a Quality Improvement approach created the foundation for the national scale up and spread of Video Group Sessions
Improving self-esteem at Bell’s Brae Primary School