ScIL 36 Posters
Reduce the number of overdue incidents held in the Datix incident reporting system in the top clinical hotspot area to ZERO. The timescale for improvement will be by the end of September 2022.
By September 2022 to increase to 50% the number of Allied Health Professional (AHP) staff actively undertaking improvement work who feel supported and confident following completion of the Scottish Improvement Foundation Skills (SIFS) course as...
By November 2022, 60% of service managers using newly established peer support opportunities will have implemented changes to improve outcomes for children within their setting
Improve documentation of post-operative plan on time to restart pre-existing anticoagulants and anti-platelet therapy in patients admitted to the Orthopaedic wards at the Golden Jubilee National Hospital for hip or knee arthroplasty
By February 2023 all identified children, young people and families within the Braidhurst and Dalziel High School clusters will have access to additional mental health and wellbeing supports within six weeks of being identified.
Increase preferred place of death documented for patients with a palliative care need
Increasing availability of nutrition and frailty information
Maximising wellbeing for the Back Pain Specialist Physiotherapy team in Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
By November 2022 75% of assessments by Health Visitors in Team 2 Northeast Locality of Glasgow City HSCP will include meaningful views from parents and included in their analysis and next steps. There are 18 Health Visitors and practice is...
Development of a Workload and Workforce Planning Tool for Hospital at Home Services in Scotland.
By October 2022, 50% of patients known to Auchinlea CMHT Depot Clinic will have improved identification and treatment of physical health needs through reliable baseline physical health screening, improving outcomes and safety’ as per guidance from...
Using quality improvement methodology to increase the provision of venepuncture and cannulation training
Improving blood glucose monitoring for patients with cancer who are undergoing systemic therapies.
By September 2022, the NES QI team will have a median score of 75% ‘good’ or ‘very good’ Job Satisfaction* through the weekly survey.This feeds into the NES People and OD Strategy: Health and Wellbeing.
Using SMART principles as an approach to goal setting whilst reviewing outcome focussed support.
To improve from 53% to 100% of the 14 preschool children in Scallywags nursery will be able to express what they need to feel happy (measuring 4 or 5 on the Leuven scale) on the days they attend ELC by 26th June 2022.
Enhancing the wrap-around support for NES QI Alumni upon completing a programme
Using QI methods to improve use of a co-produced case management tool within the CAReS integrated alcohol and drug service
Increasing the number of 16 and 17 year olds in conflict with the law who are retained in the children’s hearings system rather than prosecuted
By October 2022, 90% of local authority support staff attending the care inspectorate ELC improvement programme will use quality improvement methodology to support their settings to implement quality improvements.
To increase the number of staff within NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde accessing Clinical Guidelines by 50% by 30th September 2022; we know that being able to access safe, up-to-date guidelines will support staff in their decision making
PrAMS: Pregnancy Anaemia Management Scotland in Greater Glasgow and Clyde (GGC) Health Board
Early Intervention & Prevention in Fife’s Children & Young People’s occupational Therapy Service
Supporting primary teachers in providing the full L2 (French) entitlement.
Raise attainment in numeracy by increasing the percentage of learners, at an identified Clackmannanshire establishment, achieving national expectations at P1, P4 and P7 (combined) by 10pp from 52% (June 2021) to 62% (June 2023).
Improving approaches and resources to support Care Inspectorate Inspectors to signpost and share Safe Staffing resources and information with social care services
The introduction of a new brother and sister assessment tool by one local authority social work children and families team