Line Managers and Flying Start NHS® Leads

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Flying Start Learning Hub page for Line Managers and Flying Start Leads

Current Flying Start NHS National Statistics
Cartoon image of two people, one on a laptop and one on a desktop computer. There is an image of a tablet inbetween them.

Flying Start Registration and completion figures.

Since version 2 launch 2017

Started Programme: 18172

Completed Programme: 17242


Since Sept 2023

Started Programme: 5277

Completed Programme: 4543


*figures accurate as of Nov 2024. 

*figures will be updated quarterly

National Evaluation Recommendations
Recommendations: Recommendation 1: Communicating the value  Continue to demonstrate the value of the programme and its potential impact on practice  Review current resources and supporting materials  Recommendation 2: Guidance materials for Facilitators and line managers  Ensure ease of access to programme and support for Facilitators  Review and refresh guidance for line managers and a guidance to navigating the learning platform  Recommendation 3: Learning Unit Content  Work collaboratively with NMAHPs and relevant stakeholder to Review and refresh unit contents based on evidence from the evaluation  Recommendation 4: Guidance on Applying Learning into Practice  NQPs and line managers would benefit from further guidance on how to incorporate the programme into day to day working  Provide practical examples to show potential opportunities that can arise from participation
Recommendations - Recommendation 5: Establish a Flying Start NHS® Community  Promote and support development of a Flying Start Community  Maintain the Flying Start leads and unsure the group has a role in promotion, information and guidance, content review and development  Recommendation 6: Peer support  Promote the development of and participation in peer support  Provide examples of local initiative NQP group support (e.g., group clinical supervision)