How to apply

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The application process for the 2024 Cohort of Leading for the Future is now closed.


The programme will re-open for applications in spring 2025 and information will be provided at that time.  Please contact if you require information in advance. Alternatively, senior leaders from across the public services community can complete the Self-Assessment Questionnaire in advance and may be invited to apply by Leading to Change when recruitment opens, if the programme is seen as good match for your development needs.

Applications will be reviewed by the relevant organisation to shortlist the candidates based on:

·       The ability to attend all programme dates and complete pre-and-post course work.

·       The quality of the application evidence provided.

·       The level of complexity, wicked issue/adaptive challenge for which development of a systems leadership approach and enhanced capabilities are required.

·       Candidates operating at the senior level below aspiring executive, and equivalent roles within social care, social work, health, third sector and partner organisations in Scotland.

The programme schedule

·       September  -  induction   

·       October -  module 1

·       November -  skills development workshop

·       December -  module 2

·       January -  masterclass

·       February  -  module 3

·       March  -  module 4

·       April  -  module 5

·       May  -  masterclass

·       June  -  consolidation event

Each event runs from 09:30 to 16:00, except for the January masterclass, which runs from 0915 to 1300. Every event is on MS Teams, except for Module 1 and the Skills Development Workshop, which applicants can choose in their application form to attend in person. Check with your organisation before submitting your application if you will require payment for overnight accommodation, travel, and subsistence costs.   Dates to be confirmed.  Each event will run from 09:30 to 16:00.