CST Simulation MTD - Hand Surgery Tendon Repair Course

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A practical teaching session on tendon repairs for hand surgery, flexors and extensors including teaching on cadaveric hand specimens.

Each trainee will have their own fresh frozen cadaveric hand to practice surgical approaches, tendon repairs on under supervision of plastic surgery trainers. 

As each limb is paid for by NES, and the teaching day is always over subscribed with a waiting list, if a trainee booked a place and did not attend, a note would be placed on their file.

Venue: Dissection Room, Anatomy, University of Edinburgh, Teviot Place, EH8 9AG

Registration: 8:45

Contact email: cstsimulation@nes.scot.nhs.uk

Contact telephone: 0141 343 7279 - Fiona

Type: Bookable course

Audience: Core trainee; Specialty trainee