Advanced Practice Frameworks

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Learning resources and training opportunities for advanced practitioners under the clinical practice pillar.

Capability and Competence

A key element of advanced practice preparation is the achievement of advanced level skills, knowledge, competences, and demonstration of capability at core and specific levels dependant on the practice context.

The terms capability and competency in relation to frameworks overlap at times or can be used interchangeably. To support understanding we have provided further explanation with regards to defining competence and capability. Capability may relate to more high level or broader skills; competency may be considered a deeper or more in-depth level of skill. 

Skills for Health (2022) acknowledges that there are differences between the terms:

  • Capability is described as the knowledge, skills and behaviours which an individual may bring to their role. These include the ability to be competent and to manage change, be flexible and deal with unpredictable situations while continuing to improve performance.
  • Competency is described as a more defined standard of performance. This focuses more on the outputs of work and observable performance. Competencies may include the ability to transfer and consistently apply skills and knowledge to a range of situations.  (Skills for Health, Guidelines and standards for the production and revision of capability and competency frameworks, March 2022).



Each advanced practitioner should have a core competency framework underpinned by the four pillars. The competency framework should demonstrate comprehensive and progressive evidence of practice within the relevant clinical setting. Any area specific competencies should be demonstrated as an addendum. The competence framework should take no longer than 3 years to complete.   

There are several existing competence frameworks available that can be used to demonstrate competence, support the sign-off process, and used to evidence maintenance of knowledge and skills. Some are produced on a multi-professional basis; others are uni professional. It is vital to choose one or generate one which is genuinely reflective of the role to be undertaken and meets advanced level practice criteria.

Any existing competence framework that is used should be mapped to the NES Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals (NMAHP) Development Framework, and any relevant Transforming Roles guidance for example ANP and ACNS and any profession specific requirements. Further information can be found on the NES Framework website.

Quick Links

Please see the links below for some current Frameworks, Guidelines, Competencies and Curriculums to support your development in your profession. Some professions are continuing to develop frameworks so there may not yet be one for your specific role.