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Leading for the Future induction


To optimise your experience of the programme, it is important for you to complete these steps in advance of the induction:

Read through the introduction to the programme.

Having refreshed your understanding of the aims and overview of the programme, consider 'Where am I now?' as a way of focusing your thinking on your learning aims, to draft and review your learning goals. You may find it useful to refer to your application form for the programme, and to complete Where do I need to be? : making sense of it. You will not be asked to share the contents of this, and it will be for your own personal preparation and reflection.

Summarise your goals in the Personal development goals for Leading for the Future and discuss and agree them with your line manager. You will not be asked to share the contents of this, and it will be for your own personal preparation and reflection.

Download and save the Learning log in readiness for the induction, you will not complete this in advance.  You will be asked to update this on every session and at the end of the programme, recording how you will/are 'measuring' your own achievement against your development goals, i.e.,

a)      What difference will participation in Leading for the Future make to your own effectiveness in your leadership role?

b)     What impact will this have on your team and on your organisation (or your part of the organisation)?

c)      How are you going to support yourself to make the most of this learning experience?

Watch the Ladder of Inference video (5 mins 23 seconds) to reflect on this in relation to yourself and others, for us to look at this during induction and again later in the programme. If you have issues opening the video, save the link into your personal internet browser and access from there.   

Read this quote from the EPALE interview: Otto Scharmer - To change a system you have to have the courage to step into the unknown | EPALE ( Open mind is the capacity to suspend all habits of judgment. It is really about seeing with fresh eyes. Holding back the habitual way of judging things in order to open yourself up to allow new data to come in. It is optional to read the interview in full. In induction, we will look with a light touch at suspension of habits of judgement.

If it is your preference to take notes on the slide pack, and to see the full agenda in advance, you can download the slides from the Resources section below in preparation for induction. This is optional and not a requirement.



Preparing for adaptive learning sets

This programme is highly experiential and as a core part of Leading for the Future, you will participate in a facilitated Adaptive Learning Set, along with five colleagues.  This is an opportunity to benefit in a safe environment from working through your own current work-based complex issues. 

In your induction, you will have an introduction to what this will involve and will meet both your group and set members.  You will agree what is important to you about how you work together.  Reflect on this in advance and come prepared to discuss. 

Also, think through and come prepared to talk about the issue you would find helpful to spend time reflecting on and exploring with your colleagues and facilitators within the Set.  This may be the issue you identified in your application form, in response to question 10, or your thinking may have changed after completing the 4 steps above. 

After the induction, in Module 1, your group facilitators will spend more time explaining more about both the concept and process of adaptive learning


Induction slides

Type: Resource List