Value Based Health and Care

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Delivering Value Based Health and Care will help ensure the long term sustainability of NHSScotland. With access to conventional medical and surgical therapies having been restricted for public health reasons, the need for personalised and value-based care is stronger than ever. The primary focus of our health and care system should be achieving the outcomes that matter to people focusing on their wellbeing, in both health, care and disease, at the lowest possible cost when building on people’s strengths and targeting our interventions on what really makes a difference. This is the essence of Value Based Health & Care (VBH&C).

Value Based Health and Care Vision

The Vision for Value Based Health and Care was published by Scottish Government in December 2022.

The Value Based Health and Care action plan was published by Scottish Government in September 2023.

Value Based Health and Care Animation

Watch the animation below for an introduction to Value Based Health and Care.

E-learning: Introduction to Value Based Health and Care
Value Based Health & Care: People, Equity, Sustainability and Stewardship

NES has developed an online module, guiding you through what Value Based Health & Care is and how it relates to your practice. The module is relevant for all staff working in health and social care. This interactive and reflective module summarises the challenges currently facing health and social care systems. It explains the link between Realistic Medicine and Value-Based Health & Care and what we mean by outcomes that really matter to people

Please note you must be logged in to your TURAS account to access this.

Value Based Health and Care for Social Care

We have developed a learning resource on Value Based Health and Care for social care. Learn more about how Value Based Health and Care can be applied in a social care context, including how the six commitments of Value Based Health and Care are considered through the lens of social care. Social care workers will find practical examples and case studies to inform their own approach to delivering high-quality and person-centred care.

This resource takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and learners will receive a certificate to evidence their learning once they have successfully passed a knowledge-check quiz.


Learning Resource: Outcomes and Experiences that Matter to People

NES in collaboration with Scottish Government have developed an online resource (Sway) entitled ‘Outcomes and experiences that matter to people’. Achieving the outcomes that matter to people is key element of delivering Value Based Health and Care. This Sway is for ALL staff working in health and social care. The Sway covers:

  • The different types of outcomes that matter to people receiving health and social care.
  • The significance of outcomes in providing effective person-centred care.
  • Reflecting on the practical application of outcome focused approaches
  • The impact on individuals' experience and engagement with shared decision-making, informed consent and individual autonomy.

Please use the link below to access the Sway. 

VBH&C: Outcomes and Experiences that Matter to People

The learning will take a maximum of 30 minutes to complete. There is a knowledge checker at the end of the Sway and we would encourage people to complete this, as it will provide the learner with a certificate to evidence their learning.

Learning Resource: Unwarranted Variation

NES in collaboration with Scottish Government have developed an online resource (Sway) entitled “Unwarranted Variation”.  Tackling unwarranted variation is an important aspect of delivering Value Based Health and Care and can identify areas of overuse or underuse of service. This Sway is for ALL staff working in health and social care. The Sway covers:

  • What is meant by unwarranted variation
  • The impact that unwarranted variation has on the health and care system, and on individuals accessing the system
  • Sources of data that we can use to discover, explore and understand unwarranted variation.

Please use the link below to access the Sway. 

VBH&C: Unwarranted Variation

The learning will take a maximum of 30 minutes to complete. There is a knowledge checker at the end of the Sway and we would encourage people to complete this, as it will provide the learner with a certificate to evidence their learning.

Further Learning Resources

Near Me eLearning

Near Me aims to provide the people of Scotland with the choice to attend health, care and other appointments via video call where appropriate. Near Me is a web-based system that helps public sector providers offer video call access to their services. It is provided to public service organisations free of charge. Our eLearning resources are a great way for you to learn about Near Me video calls.

Module 1: New to Near Me Video Calls? This module is designed for people who are new to using Near Me or who require a refresher. It covers: why, where, and when to use Near Me. It will also introduce the concept of ‘Digital Rapport’. 

Module 2: Video Consultation Skills This module is designed for providers who are familiar with using Near Me and now want to learn more. Module two covers communication and preparation skills.

PROMS: Patient Reported Outcome Measures

The Welsh Value in Health team have developed a resource to support the use of PROMs: Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) Package - Value in Health ( This package is supported by eight case illustrations with specific QR codes linked to relevant case studies.

Senior Leadership Gateway

Visit the Senior Leadership Gateway for links to Leading to Change offering a range of leadership development programmes, opportunities and support for health, social care, and social work leaders. There is also a link to Board Development Learning offering resources including Succession Planning guidance for Board Chairs, IJB Chairs and Non-Executive Board members.


Content last updated 20/11/2024