Please note - some of the Lothian Mastery Learning resources are currently being updated to make them more accessible. If you require these in any other format please get in touch with med.website@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk.
This video on non-technical skills has been produced by two of the faculty, to allow you to get the best possible learning from the immersive simulation scenarios while attending the IMT1 boot camp.
(7 minutes)
'You will undertake peer assisted learning in scrubbing and gowning up and ultrasound guided central venous access. Neither of these skills will be formally assessed by faculty.
There is also the opportunity to be signed off as ‘ready for directly supervised workplace practice’ in lumbar puncture, guide wire chest drain insertion, diagnostic ascitic aspiration and abdominal paracentesis.
In preparation, please review the resources for all these skills below in advance of your attendance on the course.
It is usually very quickly obvious to faculty if you have not engaged with this pre-course learning. In this situation, it is unlikely you will achieve the required standard to be signed off in the procedures that are assessed.'
By clicking on the image to the right, you will be taken to the NHS Lothian Mastery website. Please then click on the link near the top of the page 'lumbar-puncture-mastery-pre-learning 07.2023' if this does not work please click on the PDF link below it.
(approximately 30 minutes)
Clicking on the document will take you to The Mastery Skills Pathway website, the document can be found at the bottom of the page.
(approximately 30 minutes)
Clicking on the document will take you to The Mastery Skills Pathway website, the document can be found at the bottom of the page.
(approximately 1 hour)
Clicking on the document will take you to The Mastery Skills Pathway website, the document can be found at the bottom of the page.
Further tips from one of the trainees who attended boot camp last year can be found below.