MBCT and MBSR Therapist Recognition Application

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This is a NES-approved process whereby MBCT and MBSR therapists (teachers) can be recognised as having completed the training pathway and keeping up with good practice, thereby being able to teach MBCT and MBSR courses in the Scottish NHS. It is based on the applicant completing a form stating that they are fully compliant with the NES Mindfulness Therapist Training Pathway. This is then scrutinised by a mindfulness supervisor, and the applicant is then recognised as a therapist by being listed on the NHS Mindfulness website. This recognition procedure should also be completed for therapists who use MBCT or MBSR as the main therapy with individual clients, but does not apply to therapists who use mindfulness concepts as part of another therapy e.g. ACT.


Full Name:


Is this address:   Work                                  Home



Professional qualification:

How does your qualification relate to the client group you are teaching?


Have you completed an 8 week course in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy or Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction as a participant? Please specify dates and therapist(s):



For a period of 12 months or more, have you had a regular formal personal practice of mindfulness? This does not include informal mindfulness in everyday life. Please specify:

Number of days per week:

Amount per day (average):

How long have you been doing this amount of personal practice?

Have you completed a NHS Therapist Development Course or equivalent? Please specify dates and therapists:



What CPD have you done this year (including residential training & retreats)


How do you keep up-to-date with the Mindfulness research and literature?



What supervision do you receive?


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