Digital Skills User Research

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This page has information about digital and data skills learner research that was carried out in spring 2022. 

If you are looking for Digital and Data learning resources, please see the Digital and Data Resources Hub open site on Turas which centralises access to free online resources and learning activities that support the development of digital and data capabilities in health and social care.


The Digitally Enabled Workforce (DEW) team within NHS Education for Scotland are working to support the development of digital and data skills and capabilities across health and social care in Scotland (NHS, Local Authorities, Health and Social Care Partnerships, Social Work, Social Care, Care and Support Providers, Housing, Third and Independent Sectors).

To do this we are working in collaboration with many different stakeholder groups across these sectors, including NHS national and regional boards, Health and Social Care Partnerships, Scottish Social Services Council, Scottish Care, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Local Government Digital Office, and the Scottish Government. 

One of the goals of this work is to make it easier for the health and social care workforce to find and use online learning materials that will help them build their digital skills and improve their confidence with technology.

User Research

To understand what the Scottish health and social care workforce need and want from improved access to digital skills learning resources we undertook detailed user research between May and July 2022.  Working with research company Capgemini we ran an online survey and carried out a programme of one-to-one interviews and focus groups. The findings from this research are available to download below.

The DEW team would like to express sincere thanks to everyone who took part in the research, particularly those who volunteered to be interviewed or participate in a focus group.

The information in the full findings report (Digital Skills User Research Report June 2022), will be valuable to anyone working in health and social care sector with an interest in learning, teaching, or digital skills development.  Please use this information to help inform your work.

For more details on the survey that was carried out as part of this research the Digital Skills User Research Survey Responses document summarises the questions asked, and the responses given.

If you have any questions about the research, please email

All the findings from this research, and a subsequent learner journey mapping exercise carried out in Spring 2023, have now been incorporated into the ongoing NHS Education for Scotland (NES) Turas Refresh programme as a set of user requirements for a modern, interactive online learning environment.  If you have any questions about the Turas Refresh programme, please email the NES Project Management Office at