Level 2 Certification

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The IHO Variability Methodology® programme conculded in 2019 and is no longer an active programme of the Modernising Patient Pathway Programme. However, below content and e-learning resources remain available to Health Board teams for information.

The IHO Variability Methodology® Certification Programme consisted of three levels. The below provided more detailed information on the pre-requisites and the process for achieving Level 2 Certification.


To achieve Level 2 Certification you will be required to:

  • Have gained Level 1 Certification through successfully completing the eLearning modules, and
  • Provide evidence of substantial participation in one of the three IHO Variability Methodology® projects.
What is meant by ‘substantial participation’?

Achieving Level 2 Certification will mean you have been able to gain a thorough understanding of the methodology and its application through involvement in one of the three IHO Variability Methodology® projects. We suggest such a level of understanding has been reached once you have:



  • Participated in project implementation for at least four months and for a minimum of 60 hours. Depending on your role within the project, this could have been, for example, through regularly attending project meetings, monthly WebEx sessions or national events; and/or through having spent substantial amount of time on data collation/analysis, working on criteria development or standardising operational procedures; and


  • Contributed to the implementation of at least two of the eight project key deliverables

Level 2 Key Deliverables:

Process of achieving Level 2 Certification

To achieve Level 2 Certification you must submit a brief write-up describing:

  • Your role in the project
  • Total hours devoted to the project
  • Your contribution towards at least two deliverables, and
  • Your reflections on the implementation of the two key deliverables.

We have put together profession-specific Level 2 Certification packs, which will help you in identifying which key deliverables are applicable to you by highlighting related activities and listing key learning objectives linked to each key deliverable. Included, you will also find a submission template and guidance how to complete your report submission.

Opportunities as a member of the IHO Variability Methodology® Community of Practice

We may on occasion ask you to be a resource to the Modernising Patient Pathways Programme in sharing your experience and expertise in implementation of the IHO Variability Methodology®. The size of your input may vary from a request to reply to a forum post to presenting at national conferences or WebEx sessions. Of course, all requests for your time are only if capacity within your service allows and if agreed with your line management.