Modernising Patient Pathways Programme

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The Modernising Patient Pathways (MPP) team are responsible for driving improvements in planned care across Scotland, in line with the priorities set out in the NHS Recovery Plan.  This includes supporting front line clinical teams to develop sustainable improvements in clinical delivery.  To do this, the CfSD are currently implementing a range of activities designed to support Boards, identify best practice, and help deliver improvements. 

This includes the development of clinically led Speciality Delivery Groups (SDGs), which act as the main delivery vehicle for implementing improvement.  The SDGs are based around an individual clinical speciality, and bring together key multidisciplinary stakeholders from across Scotland.

It also includes the development and utilisation of Heatmaps, which are designed to support the adoption of nationally-agreed high-impact pathways by identifying key priorities and areas of opportunity at Board level.


The Active Clinical Referral Triage (ACRT) and Patient Initiated Return (PIR) Toolkit has been produced to help NHS Boards implement their ACRT and PIR requirements.


ACRT & Discharge PIR Toolkit

MPPP Current Workstreams


To see what's happening within the Modernising Patient Pathways Programme, click on the icons above to be taken to each workstream's page. 

Contact us

To contact the MPPP/SAC team, please email us at


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