Find out about the important new features and functionality that have been released for Turas Vaccination Management in May 2022.
Release, 1053, Version 2022.5.25.2.
User accounts have always been attached to a specific Health Board, but this feature allows maintenance of national level roles (National Reader and National Certifier) to be devolved to the specialist national boards e.g. NHS National Services Scotland, and also assign one board as the primary owner or "Managing Health Board" of the user account where the account has access to more than one health board.
Release, 1029, Version 2022.04.29.2.
This functionality is already present in the system via the "My details / My current clinic" menu entry but user feedback indicated that users were not aware of the feature, so we have now placed the ‘Change Clinic’ button on the user’s homepage.
Vaccination episodes that are deleted i.e., those vaccination episodes with a status of "Entered In Error" will now display all the data captured on the Patient, Screening and Consent, and Vaccination tabs where that information was provided when the user drills into these records – previously on the patient details were shown.
Clinic statistics now provides information on where the patient attended a scheduled appointment or dropped in for vaccination.
It is now possible for the Health Board record manager to export the clinic statistic to CSV to analyse and use this information locally.
The field length for both suitability and vaccination notes has been extended from 300 to 500 characters