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Your second training day will look at assessment and feedback within VT.  During this session the Advisers will discuss the partnership between the trainer and the VDP across the training year. 


Our assessment presentation looks at the longitudinal evaluation of performance (LEP). As a trainer you will be required to assess your VDPs performance on a regular basis using the digital LEP assessment tool, but we also incorporate other assessment techniques such as the Test of Knowledge, and Patient Assessment Questionnaires. We'll discuss the framework which you will use to assess your VDP consistently and with regularity across a variety of constructs such as clinical judgement, technical ability, communication etc. 

Feedback and Evaluation

Feedback and evaluation are vital for the progression of your VDPs development. We will educate you on the principles of feedback and cover a range of feedback models that you could use throughout the training year. The Advisors will discuss their experiences and give advice on how to structure your feedback when supporting a VDP.

Assessment Methods in VT


Assessment Methods Used in Vocational Training 

Visit the trainee page dedicated to assessment methods. Here you will discover information surrounding the different Significant Learning Events used to assess and evaluate skills across the 4 competency domains. 

  1. Clinical 
  2. Communication 
  3. Professionalism 
  4. Managerial