Personal development review

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Your yearly Personal Development Plan and Review meeting (PDPR) is simply about time for a quality conversation between you and your reviewer. It is your chance to:

  • talk about what matters to you in your job
  • to be clear about what is expected of you
  • to have feedback on what has gone well and what might have been better

The key documents needed are your KSF post outline and job description - focus should be on your current job and ensuring that both you and your manager feel that you are supported to do your job safely and effectively.

Your annual review

This is simply about time for a quality conversation between you and your manager or reviewer. It is an opportunity to build on and summarise the regular contact you have with your manager throughout the year.


Watch this video for some help and tips on how you can make the most of this time to talk with your reviewer.


The discussion should be as wide as possible and can also cover the setting and achievement of service/job objectives and what knowledge and skills might be needed to achieve these or what development might also be required.

It is an opportunity for you to discuss any ideas that you or your reviewer might have around improving how your team or your department work or improving the services you provide.

In summary it is about spending part of the time looking back over the past 12 months at:

  • any learning or development activity that has happened over the last year and how you have applied that learning within your job
  • any performance objectives or service objectives that were to be achieved and what the outcomes of these were
  • supporting information from doing your job that shows how you have applied the knowledge and skills requirements in your KSF post outline

And then looking forward to the next 12 months by:

  • taking the opportunity to discuss any areas in your KSF post outline that you are unsure of or that you feel you need more development in
  • agreeing any relevant work related development activities to be undertaken
  • discussing and agreeing any job or service related objectives to be achieved over the next 12 months
  • agreeing your personal development plan for the next 12 months.

For an easy to use guide please use the following document: