CST Simulation - Booster Camp - Edinburgh

Provider: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

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MANAGING SURGICAL CRISES includes some classroom Human factors teaching followed by a series of 8 simulations in which you will have to recognise and respond to a crisis in the OR.

CoSMoS stands for Consultation Skills that matter for Surgeons, and will cover such topics as Opening and Closing, Shared Decision Making, and Communication of Risk. There w simulation and debrief during the day and opportunity for video-assisted remote debrief later in the year.

You must be a Scottish Core Surgical Year 2 trainee at the time of the course.

Type: Bookable course

Audience: Core trainee; Specialty trainee

Contact email: cstsimulation@nes.scot.nhs.uk

Contact telephone: 0141 343 7279 - Fiona