Managing Medical Emergencies

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Managing medical emergencies: This full day face-to-face session is designed for those DCTs undertaking their inhalation sedation training as part of their post. Comprehensive training in skills and knowledge required for DCTs to manage medical emergency situations and resuscitation in adults and children. Team channel link.

Employed as a DCT in certain Scotland Deanery PDS and HDS posts and undertaking the DCT Inhalation Sedation training programme.

Learning aims:
The course will provide comprehensive training in the skills and knowledge required for DCTs to manage medical emergency situations and resuscitation in adults and children; including scenarios specific to the provision of treatment under inhalation sedation.

Learning outcomes:
By the end of the training you should be able to safely and effectively manage a cardiac arrest situation in adults and children including the use of automated external defibrillation. To be able to safely and effectively manage medical emergencies in adults and children with particular emphasis on the practical use of the A to E approach. This includes relevant situations as described by the RCUK and GDC such as asthma, cardiac problems, anaphylaxis, seizures etc. To be able to safely and effectively manage an adult and paediatric patient with a compromised airway, including problems related to dental inhalation sedation.

CPD Hours:

Contact email:

Provider: NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Type: Bookable course

Audience: Dentistry (audience); Dentist

Educational frameworks: