Gender-Based Violence

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This page hosts learning resources on gender-based violence (GBV). It is suitable for a range of healthcare professionals, and includes eLearning modules Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control.

Please note: the Gender-based violence module has been updated. This means that if you have already completed the module and wish to revisit it again, you will reset your status to 'incomplete'. If you would like to review or revisit the module after completion, please scroll to the final assessment to re-enter your answers and maintain 'completed' status.

eLearning Modules
eLearning course: Understanding domestic abuse for health care professionals in Scotland

These eLearning modules are part of the course Understanding domestic abuse for health care professionals in Scotland. The course was developed to support nursing students across Scotland. It includes some information that is specific to nursing, but also provides a comprehensive introduction to understanding domestic abuse which can benefit a wide range of professionals in the health and social care sector.

Further resources

Guidance for health professionals

NHS Health Scotland website holds a wealth of information about Gender Based Violence including guidance for healthcare professionals on:

  • Gender Based Violence – an Overview
  • Gender Based Violence and Learning Disability
  • Childhood Sexual Abuse
  • Commercial Sexual Exploitation
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Harmful Traditional Practices
  • Human Trafficking
  • Rape and Sexual Assault
  • Stalking and Harassment


What is domestic abuse and the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018

Former National Procurator Fiscal for Domestic Abuse, Anne Marie Hicks, provides an overview of what is domestic abuse and how legislation criminalises coercive control and supports survivors.


Mothering through Domestic Abuse

(Video) For practitioners who are working with families in which there is a domestic abuse perpetrator. This animation aims to encourage safe practice in responding to women and children who are exposed to domestic abuse; to avoid unintended collusion with domestic abuse perpetrators; and to reduce risks which may be inadvertently generated by services if the tactics of control or the impact of trauma are not fully understood. (Sensitive content, requires logging in to Vimeo). Further information available at


Covid 19 Response

Contains following parts:


National Trauma Training Programme

If you are likely to be working alongside or serving people who may have been affected by trauma, whether that is known or not, then these resources will help you think about how to consider this in your day to day working life.


Trauma and the Brain

(Video) NHS Lanarkshire developed this resource for any professional working with a service user when GBV is a feature in the case. The animation will help you in your work with service users who have experienced GBV, and help more professionals to understand the effects of abuse. Further information available at


One out of Four

Being trauma informed is essential in healthcare services. All healthcare professionals have a duty of care to ensure they minimise retraumatisation during the provision of care. This extends to the real opportunity to impact positively on the lives of women and their recovery from Sexual Trauma, which in turn has a positive impact on the lives of their children and families.


Never too late to tell: Understanding childhood sexual abuse

This animation aims to help professionals understand the process of grooming and coercion used by perpetrators of childhood sexual abuse; to see it at work on children; to show how perpetrators manipulate other adults around a child; and to learn about the long–term effects on survivors and the implications for practice. (Sensitive content, requires logging in to Vimeo). Further information available at


Human trafficking and exploitation: guidance for health workers

This guidance document provides an introduction to key issues in human trafficking for staff in health and social care. It describes health impact of human trafficking, how you can identify signs of trafficking and exploitation, offering support, further information and referral. There are also references to further information.


Human trafficking e-learning

This is an introductory resource for practitioners working in public services.  The aims of this module are to raise awareness of human trafficking. The course provides an overview of the extent of human trafficking in Scotland and alerts you to signs indicating risks to individuals.  This module provides some practical information about the health needs of trafficked people and briefly outlines your role in health and social care in identifying and responding appropriately to trafficked individuals.


Easy Read Posters

These are a collection of A4 posters highlighting some of the signs of gender-based violence and where to get help.

  • Domestic abuse
  • Domestic abuse – Safety
  • Grooming
  • Sexual abuse
  • Sexual exploitation