Leading for the Future Module 4
As for the previous modules, please read the following articles and prepare your questions and comments about them:
In addition:
Review the 7 Principles of Adaptive Leadership slides. You can see on the first slide that the details of each Principle are included and on the second slide the details have been removed. The headings on the second slide are editable to add text during the session if you wish. You need to ensure you have access to your own copy of this for Module 4, or you can draw a copy, whichever suits you best, so you can use it during the session.
You can develop your understanding of public value by referring to Public Value Accounting: Public Administration Review, Vol. 74, Iss. 4, pp. 465–477. © 2014 by The American Society for Public Administration. DOI: 10.1111/puar.12198.
Applying the principles of adaptive leadership to person-centred care for people with complex care needs: Considerations for care providers, patients, caregivers and organizations, Kerry Kuluski MSW, PhD, Robert J. Reid MD, PhD, G. Ross Baker PhD, 2020