Personal Development Plan (PDP) conversations

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Preparing for your personal development review is the best way to set the scene for a good conversation about YOU.  To make it meaningful ask yourself the following three questions;  

  • What matters to me in my job? 
  • What have I really enjoyed doing this year? 
  • What would I like to achieve (in my job/career)? 

Remember its about “talking not ticking”! 

You will find lots of useful resources including explanation of KSF dimensions, KSF guidance and videos around the personal development and planning review process and discussion on the Turas KSF guidance page.

Effective Personal Development and Planning Review - A guide for reviewers video

Effective Personal Development and Planning Review - A guide for reviewees video

Supporting your development
Development and Education Framework for Level 2-4 NMAHP Healthcare Support Workers

You can use the Development and Education Framework for level 2-4 NMAHP HCSWs to:

  • Identify evidence to support your personal development planning
  • benchmark your current level of practice
  • continue to grow within your current level of practice by identifying areas for development
  • guide your career development
  • customise a development plan
4 Pillars of Practice modules and learning activities

You will find modules on each of the four pillars of practice with learning activities that can support your personal development. Why not try these out, you can dip in and out and there is no need to complete all the activities, just choose the ones which best suit you. Access the pillars of practice modules

Turas Professional Portfolio

Turas Professional Portfolio is a great resource allowing you to record evidence of your learning, request feedback and share your evidence with your manager or colleagues should you wish.  Access further information on Turas Professional Portfolio including how to guides to help get you started.