Find out about the important new features and functionality that have been released for Turas Vaccination Management in June 2021.
Release 617, Version 2021.6.14.1
The Programme Data Authority recommended that the research question be removed, and the underlying data deleted from Turas Vaccination Management Tool.
The programme will rely on existing processes for patient consent to support requests from researchers to access patient level data for research and evaluation purposes.
Note: The offline forms will also be updated to reflect this change.
Release 616, Version 2021.6.8.1
On the sign in to Turas Vaccination Management, the user will be notified of any incomplete vaccination records that they have left pending.
This happens after the user has selected their current clinic but before the user is taken to the clinic home page.
On sign out the incomplete vaccination records notification has a new visual.
Also, a tweak to the underlying logic means the notification will only show if you were the last user to touch the record.
Note: This will mean where patients are being pre-registered to clinics days in advance the user who registered them will be notified that these records are incomplete.
If you require any support completing incomplete records, please contact your local health board’s Vaccination Records Management team.