Periodontal Disease – The 2017 Classification Explained

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This is a recording of a live webinar on the 2017 Classification of Periodontal Disease. The video explains how to apply and implement the 2017 Periodontal Classification, how to asses a patients periodontal status, consider their risk factors and reach a diagnosis in clinical practice.

Upon submission of the shortened evaluation form, you will be automatically certified for 0.75 hours of vCPD. No CPDA is available due to the duration being less than one hour.

Aims and Learning Outcomes


This webinar aims to provide participants with an understanding of the 2017 Periodontal Classification and guidance on why it is important and how using it can help plan and provide effective periodontal care for patients.

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the course, the delegate should be able to:

  • To provide participants with an understanding of the 2017 Periodontal Classification and guidance on why it is important and how using it can help plan and provide effective periodontal care for patients.
  • Using case examples help participants to classify the extent and severity of periodontal disease using the 2017 classification system.
  • Provide participants with an update on current principles for treating the common periodontal conditions that they see in practice.
  • Help participants understand how using the classification system can translate into effective treatment planning for their patients.


GDC Development Outcomes:

  • (A) Effective Communication
  • (C) Knowledge & Skills Development

This Video is available on Portal TV to access please:

  1. Click on the Portal TV Logo
  2. Log into Portal
  3. Once logged in, go to iBooklet/Search for.../Portal TV in the menu on the left
  4. Click on Dental
  5. Look for the window for the recording you wish to view. In this case "Periodontal Disease – The 2017 Classification Explained" and click on the blue button "REGISTER NOW"
  6. Once you complete your booking and pay the Portal charge, go back to the Portal TV tab and click the "REFRESH" button
  7. When you re-enter Dental, you will note that you are now registered and you can watch the recording by clicking on the video
  8. Once you have watched the recording, you can close the recording window
  • To demonstrate you have watched the recording and generate your certificate of attendance, you must return your reflective comments on the shortened evaluation form you will find in iBooklet/Manage.../Your Course Evaluations
  • Once you have submitted your form, your certificate can be accessed and downloaded in iBooklet/Reports & Certificates/Course Certificates in the usual way
  • You will have access to the recording until 17/02/25 and can watch it as many times as you wish

If you have any problems, please email:

  • Published 31/03/2021
  • Reviewed 15/02/2024
  • Due for Review 17/02/2025