Additional remote health monitoring resources
The TEC Remote Health Monitoring/Connect Me Equality Impact Assessment was undertaken by the Scottish Government. It assesses the potential impacts of protected characteristics and socio-economic factors on the use of Connect Me remote health monitoring. The key benefits are:
Connect Me: Remote Health Pathways newsletters:
To support the awareness and understanding of the safe use of medical devices and Medical Device Regulations (MDRs) the Scottish Government, in partnership with colleagues from NHS Scotland, Social Care, and the Incident Reporting and Investigation Centre (IRIC), are providing learning modules for Health and Social Care staff.
Visit the Medical Devices site to access the learning modules providing education and training resources assisting all Health and Social Care staff to make safe use of medical devices.
The Digital Health and Care learning site provides access to learning resources to improve knowledge and skills in the use of digital across health and social care.
Visit the Health Literacy learning site for resources to support positive health literacy across health and social care.
Sponsored by Scottish Government’s Technology Enabled Care Programme: (2015–2023) visit Connect Me: Remote Health Pathways at tec.scot
Contact the team at nss.tec@nhs.scot