Covid-19 - Impact on older population - Webinar 21st January 2021

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In this webinar, we look at the impact of coronavirus on the older population with Gill Livingston, Professor of Psychiatry of Older People at UCL, Adam Gordon, Professor of the Care Older People at Nottingham University and Jugdeep Dhesi, Consultant Geriatrician and Clinical Lead POPS at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. Chaired by RSM President-elect Professor Roger Kirby, the panel explored issues including care homes, the link between dementia and COVID-19, and how to better care for older people during the pandemic.

Published: 27/01/2021

Publisher: Remote and Rural Healthcare Education Alliance (RRHEAL)

Type: Video

Audience: General audience

CC License: Attribution, non-commercial, no derivatives Creative Commons License