In-hospital management of hypoglycaemia

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Hypoglycaemia affects significant patient numbers in Scotland each year.  Simple steps can aid earlier prevention, detection and action for patient benefit. 


Think, Check, Act guidance from Diabetes in Scotland (Diabetes Inpatient short Life working group) is embodied within scenario based resources, modelling protocol based care for those showing signs of in-hospital Hypoglycaemia.  

We would encourage all clinical staff to view these educational tools and apply to their own clinical practice.

  • Scottish in-hospital management of hypo-glycaemia in accordance with the current protocol from Diabetes in Scotland: Short Life Working Group for Diabetes in Inpatients Released April 2017 This is a scenario depicting a mild hypoglycaemic...

  • Scottish in-hospital management of hypo-glycaemaia in accordance with the current protocol from Diabetes in Scotland: Short Life Working Group for Diabetes in Inpatients Released April 2017. This is a scenario depicting a moderate hypoglycaemia...

  • Scottish in-hospital management of hypo-glycaemia in accordance with the current protocol from Diabetes in Scotland: Short Life Working Group for Diabetes in Inpatients Released April 2017 This is a scenario depicting a severe hypoglycaemic...

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