Day Surgery

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The Modernising Patient Pathways Programme have developed this Day Surgery resource to support NHS Boards to increase day surgery and short stay surgery rates.

Key Activities

A new multi-disciplinary ‘day surgery stakeholder group’ was established with the aim of further embedding day surgery in NHS Scotland.

The group aims to better understand and address the variation in current day surgery rates and to identify opportunities to further embed day surgery to provide benefits for patients and support the NHS Scotland Recovery Plan.

Common themes to achieve these aims are:

  • Utilise exclusion rather than inclusion criteria, i.e. assuming patients are suitable for day surgery unless social, medical or surgical criteria require an overnight stay –“ Day Surgery as the Norm”
  • Provide safe and effective pre-operative assessment processes
  • Focus on pre-habilitation
  • Utilise safe and effective clinical decision making via an evidence based competency framework to support criteria-led discharge processes
  • Identify an attractive career framework for the MDT to provide a  dedicated and skilled day surgery workforce and support recruitment and retention of experienced personnel

The Day Surgery MPPP team works in collaboration and consultation with the Speciality Network and the National Treatment Centre Teams to promote and support adoption of day surgery pathways.

Arthroplasty Day Surgery Blueprint

The Arthroplasty Day Surgery Blueprint is a guide on how to implement day case arthroplasty. It incorporates:

  • work that has been progressed by ARISE and their care protocol for same day primary total hip/knee or unicompartmental knee surgery
  • definitions of day surgery and recommended length of stay distributions
  • key steps, principles and enablers
  • best practice examples and templates, and
  • useful ‘hints and tips’ from arthroplasty teams across Scotland and England.

For further information on the Arthroplasty Rehabilitation in Scotland Endeavour (ARISE) please click here.


To view this resource please Sign in to your Turas Learn account.

Same Day Surgery Videos

A brief introduction by Dr Mary Stocker, past President of the British Association of Day Surgery, to her presentation at the Same Day Surgery Meeting on 7th June 2018, organised by the Modernising Patient Pathways Programme. 

This presentation is broken down into six separate videos and is presented in the form of a showcase.

1. Introduction and Same Day Surgery Mindset - Dr Mary Stocker

2. Which patients are approrpiate for day surgery - social factors

3. Which patients are appropriate for day surgery - medical factors

4. Which procedures are appropriate for day surgery - surgical criteria

5. Day Surgery Facilities

6. Emergency Day Surgery

Contact us

For further information, please contact:

Brenda Wilson, Clinical Lead for Day Surgery, Modernising Patient Pathways Programme

Anna Betzlbacher, National Improvement Advisor, Modernising Patient Pathways Programme



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